Pronounced "flems", from Monty Python's Flying Circus. Referring to "Boogie Woogie" form of jazz? Refers to the shape of their heads. Many Midwesterners live in "Tornado Alley," which is known for having a disproportionate number of tornados every year. From the football star/accused murderer O.J. In Spanish it means "guy". Coincidentally also the word for "White" in Cambodian culture or Khmer language. Possibly a real Italian word bastardized by English-speaking Italian-Americans. The Sleestacks were stupid, slow, and apparently very lazy. Not necessarily a slur nor derogatory, but rather a direct translation. Comparison to the blackened smokestacks of the manufacturing plants. A person considered to be mean or contemptible. Name for younger black women who use thick, braided hair weaves because the end result often looks like rope. The Native Americans character on the animated show King of the Hill is named John Redcorn. Many of them originally hailed from the Pontus region of Turkey. Used mainly in Britain. This dates back to the 1740's. White people trying to act Chinese or Asian. Britannica Dictionary definition of BASTARD. It has sometimes been called "the great Australian endearment", but can also be an insult; interpreted according to context. Fucking. One foot on Africa, one foot on England and their prick dangles into the ocean. The term Paddy Wagon derives from the idea that the Irish were all criminals, and when the police came to quell a brawl or something of the like, they would just be rounding up a bunch of "paddys.". Applies to all Scandinavians. Blacks who can't afford cars and are always seen riding bikes: (S)illy (N)iggers (O)n (B)ikes. Origins are unknown. From the Star Trek character of that name. Derived from the Sand Groper who lives in the western deserts of Australia. May technically only refer to Portuguese people. Common Italian name A Toronto municipal politician recently got into hot water for using this slur. "The Colorado Rockies are disgusted at the racial slur by a fan directed at the Marlins' Lewis Brinson during the ninth inning of today's game," the team said in a statement released after the game. Accetta luso dei cookie per continuare la navigazione. Slur A slur is defined generally as any "insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo" ("slur"). Comes from the word "Moleckum" meaning "drink sipper" in Arabic. Used more commonly than the outdated "Gringo", Ghouls are said to be pale skinned like a dead person. "Snatch the pebble from my hand, Grasshopper.". 1) Misspelling of bastard 2) A word that combines the words bastard and turd - usually used to insult someone. Because of their clear skin and facial features. See Chiegro. Comes from the character Calpurnia in the book "To Kill a Mocking Bird. No idea why. Eminem is referred to as "Elvis" in the film "8 Mile". Used by darker-colored Blacks to refer to Blacks with a very light complexion. "In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality," James said kicking off the conversation. Stems from the word "partner". #4. Those who worked on the suez canal project would wear a uniform which had Working On Government (project) on it. In Japanese, the word insult or swear-word translates as / bujoku. Tree-Killers (from elves) Whore-Race (they're the reason for half breeds) World-Blight (from elves) Indirect Racial Slurs (15) A bag of leftovers from a restaurant: " An Orc-y Bag ". Often, as in the movie American History X, it is used as punishment for insubordinate blacks. From the monster movie "C.H.U.D. Often referred to Hispanics that drive Honda Civics. The term was coined by National Enquirer founder Fortune Pope, Sr. and his friend Joe Bonanno in the 50's or 60's. Could be used for any race. Black/Any other race. Widely used in Florida to describe Cubans, Means "Lobster", slang for Cuban women because like the lobster they carry all their meat in the tail, (Pronounced "o-yay") Derogatory term used by non-Cubans. J. W. Pepper says it a number of times in "The Man with the Golden Gun" while speaking to some Asians in Bangkok. (Eurotunnel, eurotrash, etc), Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Spanish. Joe Kennedy used this term in public to refer to Jews without anyone knowing he was doing so. (Rude and derogatory.) The brim of a cowboy's hat would make an odd suntan across his face. "Boche" is short for "alcaboche" or cabbage-head. Dark meat of the chicken that was fed to alligators. Used against overweight African American males in reference to a popular 1980's cartoon created by Bill Cosby (for example, saying "hey hey hey" around a fat black man could be considered offensive by some). Combination of 'Spic' and 'Chink. Typically used by schoolchildren in a derogatory manner towards Asian people. Northern Italians because of the Polenta that they eat in the north. Whites who try to immerse themselves in hoodlum culture. Used by Hispanic-Americans. Originally meant for noisy people but gained notoriety when a Jewish University of Pennsylvania student used it to describe members of a black sorority who held a loud party while he was trying to study. Applies towards Blacks or Mexicans. Means "hero" in Gaelic. "Monger" meaning someone who promotes this practice. Also used because they "vacuum up" much cocaine. It came in response their use or Terrone for Southern Italians, Italian-Americans who act "overly Italian" with attitude and gold chains (i.e. Although many have it originating in Korea either by referring Korea's original name, "Hanguk", or during the Korean War when Koreans would ask American GI's "Mi Guk?" Used against other then Crows. 3 Luglio 2022; common last names in kazakhstan; medical careers that don't require math in sa . When they would burn the Jews and the ashes would come out the smoke stacks. Many of their descendants were sent to the Georgia penal colony, hence "Georgia crackers." Not necessarily white, but more common amongst them. Could be used for any non-caucasian race, Original Blue Gums. New Zealand/Australian white trash or rednecks. Canada is so culturally similar to the U. S. that they are practically the 51st state, English-speaking Canadians. Reference to the popular black hair style of afro's. Color of skin vs. cricket's color (brown/black). Mainly in US cities with large Irish populations. Shortened, diminutive form of Protestant. Their nomadic lives in the desert are similar to that of Arabs. Dirty white trailor trash people normally resemble the population of Memphis, TN. Derived from "conk", a lye-straightened hairdo popularized in the 1920s by Cab Calloway. The popular black basketball player recently embroiled in a rape trial. Bandit, from the Irish Tory Island, a noted have for bandits and pirates. Comes from red-necked woodpecker. The uniform was made up of tanned bottoms and dark upper clothing. Popular in Montreal and other parts of eastern Canada. Comes from French Vietnamese "beaucoup dinky dau". It is what the Yoruba people of Nigeria used to call the first Europeans they saw. Arab word, meaning "chicken," used to describe whites and light skinned arabs as in weak and fragile. The idea is that they are carrying many children packed tightly inside. We like to say this is "rez talk" so eventually it fit to call them Inits. Not as derogatory as Paddy. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Refers to pregnant black women, thought to be breeding future criminals. The world's first artificial satellite sent into space. American-Born Chinese. A term used by Mexicans and other non whites in Texas to describe whites in a derogatory fashion. Derogatory, used by Indians and Pakistanis. Cause they always want to hit the jackpot, Refers to Blacks from Africa who are considered by other Blacks as unsophisticated. Stands for Filthy (or Fucking) English Bastard. Shortened version of Nipponese(the former name for the Japanese. Bindu is a Sanskrit word meaning drop. See: Redneck. WWII reference and the propensity of Jewish parents to send their children to summer camps. Used a lot in Australia where there was a large arrival of Lebanese immigrants in the mid 80's. ", For kids with downs syndrome, Corky, on "Life Goes On. Indicates that these women like Petrolium because them men they date are black like petrolium. can be used in casual speech without any intention of causing . The sheep are said to outnumber the people in both some European and Australian countries/states. They became known as the black and tans. Rarely used today. Ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor. Black racists in NYC area use it to refer to Whites. This curse word might seem like an extreme insult, but it's used generally to show irritation. Commonly used to mock internerds who Zerg rush or act like fags. Cancer causes the face to become white, and the blood to drain away. See Carlton or Zebra. Elderly Jews in Palm Beach County Florida deadlocked the election for 2 months. Unsure of origins, but have heard it used in Florida. A South African term for Indians. Refering to the color of thier gums. b. el hijo de puta. an unpleasant, despicable person. Black people in the United States and Canada use this term to refer to an older, beaten up, junky car. Refers to atom bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII. Female Filipinos, or Asians in general. In Polish 'black' (as a color) is 'czarny'. Shape of head, late 19th/early 20th century American word. The stereotypical person from Ecuador is short with a big head, giving the appearance of a mushroom. Refers to the oily nature of a black person's hair. From the Polish word for Lithuania, Some Jews do not consider this an insult but ethnic Lithuanians do. Neapolitan derogatory term for black person. Therefore making them Jersey-dwellers. Pollo means chicken in Spanish. No Irish Need Apply (from the days of the potato famine and they immigrated to the US and nobody wanted to hire them). Character from Rocky 4, the big dumb Neanderthal, White on the outside, but bright crimson Commie Red on the inside. Filipinos, who are fixated on Japanese pop culture(anime, music, etc. Facial characteristics--slanted eyes as if someone pulled back their eyes using Scotch tape around the back of their head. It is used by Brazilians most often when depicting Brazilian athletes playing abroad. Play off of "incognito". 51st stater - a pejorative term usually for a non-American who emulates, speaks, thinks, acts, and reacts like an American. Some sort of variant of "cracker." Memories David Guetta Ronnie From Jersey Shore, Again, means nothing without context. Puerto Rican youths who dress and act 'gangsta' and drive tricked out import cars with loud sound systems blasting 'Reggaeton' (a type of music that is like hip-hop with heavy percussion sounds). From bastard children to bastard bosses, we've got it all covered. Arsemonger - A person that generate contempt. This slur originated in the 60's and 70's. From "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Refers to whites who try to be Asian. Also Asians, and thus half-Asians are much more prevalent on the west coast than on the East. In reference to popular Italian garb Ginny T's, now more commonly known as wife beater shirts. Maldito is used so commonly before Bori by many other Hispanics because they steal, rob, kill, and smell. He's been replaced by standup comic Chris Morris, whom, promises creator-producer Allen Valentine, will follow in Pirrami's dirty-joke-spewing footsteps, but with what he described as slightly less of an . Black women have a tendency to violently shake their heads in heated conversations. Represents Black American jazz musicians. Update: Read the November 2017 article in the New York Times about Lisa Eisner and the Hammer's in-store pop-up. Normally used among Hispanics towards other Hispanics. Common stereotype representing that large, black, single-parent families are disproportionately represented on welfare rolls. Said racial slur isn't a slur at all in the cricketing southern hemisphere, it's just a harmless abbreviation no different to 'Aussies' or 'Brits'. Name of Black Pimp in Melvin Van Peebles movie who kills white police and gets away with it, common aspiration of black ghetto youths. The harp is also the symbol of Ireland, a green flag with a harp is displayed by a lot of Irish people. When the whites were sitting on the bus, the blacks had to stand and hold onto the strap. "Apni" refers to Indian females. Originated from the cereal of the same name that turns white milk into chocolate milk. Black males who behave like whites or talk very proper. An old french man who steals the buttons off of women's clothing and then hides the buttons under his foreskin. After the character "Rufus Xavier Sasparilla" from schoolhouse rock. ", Figs are white cookies; used by the infamous "Word Association" skit on Saturday Night Live with Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor, A white person that tries to be Japanese in every way. Also, Sometimes they make a hicking noise when they are excited. ", In reference to their moniker 'chosen people of God.'. Japanese slur for blacks. It's a racist term because when white people realize the truth, whatever pride they have in being American will be crushed. The light color blacks in South Louisiana, mainly around New Orleans (Creoles), skin is the color of a brown paper bag. a offensive : a very bad or unpleasant man : a man who you strongly dislike or hate. White on the outside, yellow on the inside (opposite of banana). The word may also be spelled "kak" or any other way you like, since Thais use a different "alphabet." Derived from the idea that people of African descent were primitive. Their likeness is often mascots for sports teams, Short for "Muckleshoot", one of the most stereotypical and despised tribes of the Pacific Northwest. A real estate agent who sells a home in an upper-class white neighborhood to a black family, thus lowering the values of other homes in the neighborhood. Japanese Nig(ger). Or French born in North Africa. Describes White Ranchers that have sex with Sheep. Heard frequently in NY. A fat native person. Cubans Who Have Recently Arrived To The U.S.. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "white head". Reference to inherent racism in US society. Can be heard in John Waters' "Female Trouble". Since then, paradoxically, the term was embraced and has become so popular as to transcend outside its indigenous sub-culture into mainstream. Used for blacks who pretend to be white. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the funniest bastards around! Used by Indians as a slur for black people. Can be compared with "dude". As demonstrators gathered outside the Capitol Sunday to rally against the bill, one held a sign saying, "All tea partiers: If you hear a racial slur, step away, point, boo and take a picture of the rat bastard." Short for White Beaner (like wigger). When its obvious that a Rat Bastard has done the ridiculous and just needs to be put on notice. Bastard definition: Bastard is an insulting word which some people use about a person who has behaved very. Aukeman has curated the current exhibition, RAT BASTARD PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, at Susan Inglett (April 27 - June 3, 2017), which is its second iteration.The first, which included more artists . A traditional, middle-aged caucasian: Soft and White. Slang a. Conner coined "Rat Bastard" by combining the name of a San Francisco trash collection company, the Scavengers Protective Association, with a slur picked up at the gym. Used during the vietnam war referring to VC or Victor Charlie. Also: Rag-head. Represents whites of mediterannean nations such as Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese. Short form of Ukrainian, not derogatory, commonly used by Ukrainians to refer to themselves or one another. Malaysians, Singaporeans and some Australians like to call Indonesians "Indon". Shortened and rearranged term, easier to say. For their "jet black" skin. 1) Misspelling of bastard 2) A word that combines the words bastard and turd - usually used to insult someone. Skin color. colleen wolfe marshawn; joliet inwood gym membership; vinelink inmate lookup australia; Bengali's eat a lot of fish and go fishing often. From the well-known old Irish myth of the chubby green-clad gnome (what happens when you mix Catholicism with Paganism). when used by other people to describe Albanians. Most likely from sometime between the turn of the century and the early sixties. Ro (Roshia) means Russia in Japanese. Called this because some have a tendency to travel slow, pacing one another on the freeway not allowing anyone else to pass. Term used to describe when an Asian drinks and turns really red. Their apartments often have roaches, which they are forbidden to kill. Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. Many people use it in Southern Florida referring to the latins (mainly Cubans) that come to South Florida and don't speak English well. Prigger usually means a native aboriginal in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba, the 3 prairie provinces. Pepper" and then bored his audience with self-important lyrics, losing major credibility in the process. at a Rave. Refers to the name of the Chinese cook on the television show "Bonanza". The dot's significance relates to the marital status of an indian female. Hence the term "maggots". A child with a white mother and black father. Ng is a very common Asian surname that is considered goofy and is used derogatorily. During Chinese festivals, its typical to see many people in a long dragon costume in which they bounce up and downusually in larger celebrations, Refers to the food. Used by other Hispanics to refer to the Dominicans. Hindu character from The Simpsons. Example: This neighborhhod was nice until the element moved in. Strongly derogatory. From the joke "what do you call a Black Smurf?". (American Indian Movement). Japan's only true source of food is the sea, so they eat a lot of fish. Used as a greeting between gang members ("Yo, G, what up?"). Refers to an Asian who rolls X-tacy, e.g. More derogatory than the term "Portagee. Indonesians find it offensive. Derived from the show "Oz" on HBO, where the character Beecher was raped and sodomized by Blacks and Racist whites. Originating from Tiger Woods racial heritage. Same sentiments expressed as in "cracker.". Frech slur during WWI; common German consonant combination that is unpleasent sounding to French speakers. Derogatory in nature. A lot of Arabs are Muslims. Refers to a white guy that acts like a beaner. Refers to pregnant black women. Comes from a traditional Ukranian Cossak haircut, where all head was shaved, except the cock in front of the head. Short for Hibernian (of, relating to, or characteristic of Ireland or the Irish). Similar words for "black" exist in other languages (Spanish, for example, is "negro"). Play on spear-chucker. The Islanders were named after a less than academically gifted character (Benny) in a mediocre British TV soap (Crossroads) by British troops stationed on the Islands after the failed Argentinian invasion. Refering to trailer trash conmonly hit by tornadoes, "Toubob" was the Mandika word for whites in the novel "Roots". The rugged aussie outback is full of rocks, the gins look like apes, hence the connection. Thick meaning stupid, Mick as an abbreviation of Michael, a common Irish Christian name. Vietnamese/Black mix. "Dumb Polish," pronounced "deepee." It is an often stereotype that most people who collect unemployment are black. Is generally used to refer to all foreigners/tourists of apparently northern European descent. Shortened. A Canadian Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Some of the people from Newfoundland are considered to be less intelligent. Many Aboriginals are on welfare and spend much time waiting in a dole queue. Used in the film 'True Romance' as separate from WOPs from Northern Italy, and in The Godfather by a Northern Italian character when referring to Southern Italians and Sicilians. The slur is also used by some Native Americans against whites: "moon" as in pale, and "cricket" as in whites have big eyes and gangly legs. Refers to Asians, esp. Probably not a slur. This is just a German abbreviation. Lost the plot - Gone crazy or completely stupid. That is, it is used to describe a white person who is obssesed with japanese culture. 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok, Thailand 10140; Call : +66 2470-8368; Monday - Friday 08.30 am - 16.30 pm Find 23 ways to say IDIOT, along with antonyms, related words, and example . Pine being a whiter colored wood than most. Made popular in the play "A Raisin in the Sun." They come out in great numbers in the summer, and sit in the middle of the road. In addition, they also speak Arabic. Russian for Eskimo. Could only be a slur if you say it the right way. White wall tires have a thin line of white. Ebonics: "I gave the bitch crabs and the hotel everybody.". Many Mexicans work in agriculture today. Take a hint, already, guys! The Rio Grande is so shallow now that illegals just have to wade across. Lucius, Marcus, Scipio, etc.). community bible study complaints; marriage witness requirements; how old was queen esther when she died. Rat Bastard Era Sticker. Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam. Term used by Koreans to describe Vietnamese. Comes from "kuro" (=black color) and "bo" (casual suffix meaning young man). Probably refers to the Portuguese word for slave pens or barracks "baracoons". Referenced in "Men of Honor.". What the old-timers called them when I was a kid fifty years ago. After British troops were forbidden to use the insulting term "Bennies", they named the Islanders "Stills" - because they were still Bennies. Considered a slur when used by non-Italians to describe an Italian male. See: Buddhahead. Came from "Guinea Negro" and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. Rhodesian. Mostly used on TV or for musical purposes. Mostly a Texas term, though it may be heard in any other of the 'border' states. Laredo Used to describe gang bangers. Hispanics Who Are Attracted To Blacks. Possibly of Creole origin meaning something similar to "foe. Used in a derogatory fashion by members of other races or non-gang members. Derives from the joke that all Aboriginals steal red cars. An Americanized Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Since greeks work in the diners all of their lives, their uncircumcised penis build up grease underneath the flap. Yet others believe it comes from when soldiers were in South America and they all wore green outfits, and they would say, "Green Go." Soccer is quite popular in Mexico and South America. Due to the red dot on many Hindu's foreheads. Subset of Native American indicating person who was at Wounded Knee incident in South Dakota in the '70s; Member of A.I.M. Olaf is a common Scandinavians (Swede, Norwegian) name, Vike is short for "viking". Lativans say "labi" (good) to everything, whether they mean it or not. Half black, half Indian. Reference to the Shakespearean play of the same title about a black man named Othello married to a white woman. Pinto horses are white and brown. baka or aho = idiot, stupid (may be used in an affectionate way in some contexts) bakayar = its coarser version, and its derivative kusoyar (asshole) kuso = shit ! "Yellow on the outside, black on the inside.". Jewish prisoners were tattooed with a number on their arm while in concentration camps. Usually look more European than their Japanese counterparts, i.e., more hairy and fair skinned. Old myth that if one were bitten by a nigger with blue gums, they would die. Mainland-Born Japanese-Americans when a Buddhahead would beat a mainland kids head, the hollow sound coming from the head was "kotonk, kotonk." In Spanish, champion means mushroom. In Rat Bastards, Shea brings that mysterious world and gritty urban Irish American street culture into sharp focus by telling his own story -- of his fatherless upbringing, his apprenticeship on the tough streets of Southie, and his love affair with trouble, boxing, and then the gangster life. Tootsie rolls are small and brown. Derived from the joke - Q. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "big demon".