Below, well cover best practices for each preparedness strategy. True or False: In the event of a skyjacking, you should immediately attempt to subdue the skyjackers. Ask your employer to explain the emergency action plan for your building. &&_`W0 +Vl "EO6ZHg0l{JH(0;H2N8bH^a)DmgXvaXl/#;H RL]L ,U@$? o ! (Consider potential escape routes)Scenario. This includes ensuring you have an. In the context of active shooter preparedness, protection refers to the ongoing actions businesses can take to safeguard their people and property. Ensure that you have considered site hardening, communication, training, policy, and threat reporting to feel confident that you have done everything in your power to protect your employees. The most critical deficiency in active shooter response is in the area of leadership - specifically, command and control . , protection refers to the ongoing actions businesses can take to safeguard their people and property. How sophisticated are terrorist groups? Considering that the average length of an active shooter incident is 12.5 minutes, every second counts when activating your emergency response. An official website of the United States government. These are primary avenues of investigation for officers following up on reports of concerning behavior. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 4), True or False: Terrorists usually avoid tourist locations since they are not DOD-related. What is the term used to define defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts, What is the geographical area associated with a combatant command within which a combatant commander has authority to plan and conduct operations, Who is the point of contact directly responsible to the CO for all matters dealing with AT and FP, Within their jurisdictions, who enforces port safety, security, and marine environmental protection regulations, What are offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism, What are measures taken to anticipate, prevent, resolve, and contain a terrorist threat, A person held as a pledge that certain terms or agreements will be kept is known as a, What is the term for a nation that receives the forces of Allied nations to be located on, operate in, and transit through its territory, A device paced or fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or incendiary chemicals designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract is known as an, What is a designated point close to an incident where crisis management forces will rendezvous and establish control capability before initiating a tactical reaction, What is the term for the first unit, usually military police, on the scene of a terrorist incident, A member of a political party who rebels against established leadership is known as an, -Interagency services and emergency response force actions essential to mitigate and recover from damage, loss, hardship, or suffering, Awareness training which is provided to all DoD personnel accessions during initial training, What level of AT training is designed to provide training for personnel who are designated to serve as AT advisors to the commander and provided level I instruction for coded billets, What is the term for operations that encompass the use of military capabilities across the range of military operations short of war, -Prevention form action by fear of the consequences, What are random, multiple security measures that when activated serve to disguise the actual security procedures in effect and deny the terrorist surveillance team an opportunity to predict security actions, The identification and assessments of hazards are known as, What term is given to the process by which decision makers reduce or offset risk, What type of agreement defines the legal position of a visiting military force deployed in the territory of a friendly state, The continual process of compiling and examining all available information concerning the potential terrorist activities by terrorist groups is called, What is an intelligence threat assessment of the level of terrorist threat faced by US personnel and interests in a foreign country, -A time sensitive terrorist incident notification message, Terrorism is the spontaneous use of violence; it does not include threats of violence to cause fear. This will help everyone share common terminology, assign roles, and define responsibilities as businesses strive to regain continuity and support their people during the vulnerable recovery process. Know and recognize the signs of incident related stress. Source: FBI, Active Shooter Incidents 20-Year Review, 2000-2019, Increased use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, Signs of depression, withdrawal, or severe mood swings, Resistance and overreaction to changes in policy or procedures, History of aggression toward authority figures, An increase in unsolicited comments about firearms, weapons, and violent crimes, Expressing empathy with other individuals committing violence, A fascination with past shootings/mass attacks, A traumatic life event such as a death, breakup/divorce, or loss of employment, Being the victim of bullying in the workplace. Moody AFB: NCO fires at wife's alleged boyfriend with handgun. Each year the FBI provides a full account, The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Incidents occurring at more than one location, Incidents where the shooters actions were not the result of another crime, Shootings that appear to be spontaneous acts, Incidents where the shooter appeared to methodically search for victims, Shootings that appear to focus on individuals, not buildings or objects. Any person who is actively using deadly physical force on another. (TRUE)True or False: There are NEVER any early indicators of a possible active shooter. Adverse employment action against the shooter. Develop a sample advertisement for BMW in China. Take the Active Shooter Training via Naval Education and Training (CAC Enabled ONLY). In some cases, active shooters use improvised explosive devices to create additional victims and to impede first responders. The tactics of the armed, suicidal, homicidal, terror-driven suspect in society today. Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and supervisors are typically the most likely to recognize potential threat indicators.). )What are the terrorism threat levels regional and local US commanders assign for specific personnel, family members, units, and installations? Assemble an emergency supply kit for your vehicle and workplace. If evacuation is not possible, find a place to create a barricade between you and the active shooter. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 4), Which of the following is NOT a recommended response to an active shooter incident? Mentally rehearse actions and responses. Your team should include key stakeholders who have been thoroughly trained in threat assessment and management. An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people, most often in populated areas. The inherent reluctance of law enforcement to accept any casualties to police personnel during rescue operations actually creates a defensive delay in response while other less "hazardous" options are considered. Employees may not spot or can even ignore hints of imminent danger and fail to alert the workplace. what tactics and weapons are used by terrorist groups? (The chances for prevention improve with increased awareness of potential warning signs and rapid response to a problem. (Antiterrorism Scenario Training, Page 4), Force Protection Condition DELTA means that your base is at which one of the following? (Insider threat)What manipulation technique is used when an FIE operative develops a sexual relationship with an insider to draw in the target? Calculate the present value ratio of the new production equipment, and comment on the internal rate of return of this investment relative to the cost of capital. 60% of active shooter events conclude by the time police arrive. 2023 Alert Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Drought Level 1 Antiterrorism Awareness Training (JS-US007) Answers terrorists usually avoid tourist locations since they are not dod-related. Sending out communications that relay vital information is perhaps the most effective way to keep your people safe. which is not an antiterrorism level 1 theme, which one of these is not a physical security, the ticketing area is more secure than the area beyond, if you identify a possible surveillance attempt you should, espionage and security negligence are considered insider threats, terrorists usually avoid tourist locations since they are not dod-related, terrorist usually avoid tourist locations, internet acquaintances can pose a security, which one of these is not a physical security feature, which is not a physical security measure for your home, from a security perspective the best rooms, which of these is not a physical security feature, from the following choices select the factors you should consider, room invasions are a significant security issue, what is not a physical security measure for your home, from a security perspective the best rooms are, room invasions are not a significant security issue, internet acquaintances can pose a security threat and should, active resistance should be the immediate response. Not possible unless large commitments of money and resources are allocated. surveillance can be performed through either stationary or mobile means. 2. Movement within the area (e.g. Be mentally prepared to use his or her weapon. inside a facility) is permitted. Force Protection Conditions Levels (FPCON) are utilized by the U.S. Armed Forces. This is also where timely communication can help others process, seek support, and ultimately recover from the trauma theyve endured. Home Flashcards Level 1 Antiterrorism Awareness Training (JS-US007) Answers, True or False: When possible, it is best to always travel with a cell phone. Include the prime theme, the key copy points, and the visual that you would utilize. True or False: The ticketing area is more secure than the area beyond the security check point. Warn and prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be. The document you requested has been sent to your provided email address. THREAT AWARENESS AND FORCE PROTECTION TOOLS . Unexplained increase in absences or tardiness, Depression, withdrawal, paranoia, talk of revenge, Increased severe mood swings and noticeably unstable, emotional responses, Increased unsolicited comments about violence, firearms, or other dangerous weapons or violent crimes, Take violent acts or threats of violence seriously and report them immediately to your chain(s) of command, DoD law enforcement, Navy Security Force Protection authorities, counterintelligence authorities, medical/mental health care professionals, or local law enforcement personnel, as appropriate.