Bolivian President Evo Morales tossed USAID out of his country, charging it with acting with the CIA to destabilize Bolivia and bring about a coup. In so doing, USAID complements the destabilization efforts of George Soros and his network of NGOs. I love this idea!!!! DAI has a long history in supporting CIA operations. Together if we unit & get organized, we can take down this whole corrupt criminal organization, but if we continue complying eating bugs will be the least of our problems..our future! I know about that high school. We have many questions about these pages, especially because requests concerning "White House equities", ever since 2009, "need" to be routed through the White House, as . Especially when they are afraid of going to prison. FOUR FUCKING YEARS! Thats really too bad Trump had 4 years to do something about the swamp scumbags like Brennan but chose not to. The impeachment articles . Obama's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while working at the East-West Center in Hawaii. Voting for the communist in 1976 could be considered a joke like voting for Mickey Mouse. Other USAID money ended uppaying forexpensive automobiles for leading Afghan mujaheddin commanders in Pakistan. His name was registered as Barry Soetoro and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. Hey TC, name one, just one president you can remember that was dog piled like President Trump. There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired Declassify Everything is a GREEEEAT idea! What Kind Of Rag For Staining., JTA | Jewish news (@JTAnews) November 10, 2020. Moderate. Start-up Hub; Incubation centre; Funding your idea; Maker space; Trading Lab. Lolo Soetoro ( 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), otherwise called Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, of Indonesia, was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. The question should be what does the fraud and usurper aka barack hussein obama have on Chief Justice John Roberts because he is the one who swore berry soetoro aka barack hussein obam into office TWICE ! WMR has reported on many such cases over the years: While USAID was moving into Indonesia in 1965, USAID contractors flying for the CIA airline, Air America, were dropping off weapons and picking up drugs in Laos and dropping off the contraband in Thailand and South Vietnam. About Pa Today Dubois Fire In . To use: VPN users with a Halliburton laptop can either click the Pulse Secure icon from the desktop or go to the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Pulse Secure , then Pulse Secure . Secretary of Defense Esper fired Monday, the top Pentagon Policy official, top Defense Department intelligence official, and chief of staff to the Defense Secretary all out today, Ryan Browne (@rabrowne75) November 10, 2020. TRIBUNNEWSWIKI.COM - Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo atau Mangundikardjo adalah seorang ahli geologi Indonesia yang paling dikenal sebagai ayah tiri Barack Obama, Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-44. Maybe at some point, Ill have to figure it out. somehow winds up in charge of the FBI. Days ago amid the Trump administrations election challenge turmoil which has resulted in over adozen lawsuits filedin several battleground states, Donald Trump Jr. urged the president to unleash the nuclear option:DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!! The inside thing is thats supposed to be the same kind of candy he used to give her husband when he was six, seven, eight years old.. He is married to the former high school history teacher Erna Kustina. He died on 2 March 1987, in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the age of 52, and was buried in Jakarta, Indonesia. The couple had two children together, and their daughter Maya Kasandra Soetoro. ! he wrote in all caps on Twitter. Obama moves to Indonesia with his mother, which is the home of his new step-father Lolo Soetoro. Laughable. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. Tues. 14 Feb. Bruce, The Big Call 667-770-1866, pin123456#. Well, there are pictures of Bush with his arm around eight-year-old Barack Obama because his step-daddy adopted daddy, Lolo Soetoro had done a lifetime worth of business with the Bushs. A black Muslim non-American president. the first radical know to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so efficiently that he at least won his own kingdom- Lucifer. Brennan knows the penalty for treason is death and it scares him that the truth might finally come out about his participation in the coup detat. [5] For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Lolo Soetoro . Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Trump doesnt make that net., Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 9, 2020. Browns assertion was corroborated by Juan OSavin, a QAnon researcher. Make no mistake about it when we take back AMERICA Twenty years ago the tuition was $95,000 a year, not including room and board. CAI was not the only entity awarded USAID Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) money to help foment dissension and rebellion in Cuba as part of USAIDs civil society program. Other recipients included the International Republican Institute (IRI), a branch of the Republican Party; the National Democratic Institute, a branch of the Democratic Party; the Pan American Development Foundation, on whose board of trustees are found lobbyists for Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Caterpillar, Greenberg Traurig, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Citibank, Unibank of Haiti, Educational Testing Service (ETS),and Occidental Petroleum; Loyola University of Chicago; Center for a Free Cuba (which was caught embezzling $570,000 from USAID in 2008); the neo-conservative non-profit Freedom House; the Christian evangelical group Echo Cuba; Cuba On-Line; the Miami-based Plantados Until Freedom and Democracy in Cuba; and Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)/Nathan Group. He was and is a traitor to this country and all we stood for. We are going to have to see them to the closest BORDER Obama later went on to meet very wealthy Muslim elites whilst in college, some who had come to study from Karachi, Pakistan. The CIA-linked Asia Foundation, which worked closely with the CIA-funded East-West Center at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, where Obama's mother met her second husband, General Suharto's colonel, Lolo Soetoro, was linked closely to USAID covert programs in Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, Palau, Malaysia, and . .and Lolo Soetaro had been internationally executive vice president for Standard Oil. When Obama went there Ive talked to two of his classmates they independently state that the tuition, not including room and board, was $45,000. CHINA Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples savings are now investment products & cant be withdrawn. Salary 2020 Not known Biography Timeline 1962 Soetoro earned his bachelor's degree in geography from Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta. come on man. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. USAID, which is a cipher for the CIA, has largely been responsible for Haiti remaining the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. The media are all part of the government and the Deep State IS the government. However, Chandoo was a major campaign bundler for Obama and managed to raise somewhere in the margin of $100,000 for him. According to Wikipedia's Lolo Soetoro entry (see source 7) Soetoro had stepson Barack Obama and three children. Once again, the US had a hand in the lighting the fuse way back in WW2 as Somosza allowed the US to build a baseoh yeah, and a CIA training ground, in Nicaragua, to stage a coup to overthrow the elected president of Guatemala. I was raised in the town where Earl Halliburton started Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Company, so it was Not HW! Custer Battles, Inc., a USAID contractor, was formed by former US Army Ranger Mike Battles and Scott Custer from a firm called Blue Sky. In 1999, Croatian media reported that USAID was working through various NGOs, some connected to Soros, to oust the ailing Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. Yeah, so thats the line in the sand for the CIA? The problem is the US Congress ignored US Constitutional law Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 and let RACE TRUMP THE US CONSTITUTION in 2008 and again in 2012 ! He is the son of Martodihardjo Soetoro, who was a geologist and served four years in the Indonesian military. Extoll their virtues, the Trump bashing has become old, monotonous and repetitive. The truth is coming out about the Pfizer jabs .. unfortunately a bit too late as more than half of the global population have taken these shots .. many were warned yet chose to ignore the many warnings they had. Gitmo is too good for him. This destroyed parts of entire cities. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo. in positive and negative effects of coca cola. oh, what joy I would feel. This was all done with a little digging, it really didnt take much at all. Watch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to his jabs as Weapons. Sitelinks. Well yes, you see, he [Soetoro] ran the death squads for the Indonesian Army. Any amount is appreciated! Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at Union Oil Company. Im convinced that Brennan 1) scrubbed Obamas college travel records 2) was involved in Obamas fake birth certificates 3) helped blackmail John Roberts on Obamacare and 4) dreamed up the plot to spy on Trump starting with FISA warrants and the two hop methodology. I never thought Trump would live past April 2017. There was talk of him [Soetoro] being a CIA asset, Scoon interjected. Note that they never bash Obama or Biden, only Trump. In 1962, Soetoro, then a civilian employee of the Indonesian Army Topographic Service, obtained an East-West Center grant for graduate study in geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. These people are worried because the things they did had ZERO to do with the actual safety and security of American Citizens and everything to do with spying on us, spying on allies, meddling in other countries elections, lying about WMDs, meddling in our elections, and spying on an incoming administration. What the vindictive Swamp has done to Trump pushed me past personal dislike because Trump drives them absolutely insane. After Suharto seized power in 1965, USAID returned to Indonesia, with Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro as one of its chief employees, to help Suharto create the New Order (Orde Baru) that would usher in decades of fascist and kleptocratic rule. In January 2004, Darwish and Michel Mukattaf, a son-in-law of former Lebanese President Amin Gemayel and owner of a Lebanese currency exchange company, and Richard Jreisati, a former Lebanese military officer, were arrested by Lebanese authorities for attempting to smuggle a cache of 164 million in 25,000 Iraqi dinar notes into Lebanon from Baghdad Airport. President Obamas mother, Ann Dunham Sutoro, worked for DAI in Java. 1962. I wouldnt take his advice on what tie to wear. In 2009, the Pakistani press reported that USAID was bypassing the Pakistan ministries of Education and Information and providing direct educational assistance to Pakistani students. I chose my friends carefully. Tanah Kusir Cemetery. Recently, Reynolds was arrested in Zimbabwe for allegedly making pornographic movies with underage performers. Donate Online: send a money order to the following address:Attn: Ron Herd IIThe W.E. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The CIA also commissioned the services of a private business intelligence and risk firm, Evidence-Based Research (EBR) of Vienna, Virginia, which appears to be a very similar operation to the CIA front, Business International Corporation, for which Obama worked in 1984, to conduct an assessment of the tribal revolt in the Niger Delta region, referred to by the CIA as a semi-riot zone. EBR was formed in 1987, a year after Business International was sold to the Economist Intelligence Unit in London. Ann Dunham later on remarried, a man called Lolo Soetoro and her new husband legally adopted Barrack. In the 1980s, when Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Jr., spent time in Pakistan, USAID opened up a major office in Islamabad that distributed non-lethal aid to Afghan mujaheddin refugees in Pakistan, particularly in Peshawar. Brennan is an evil mother fucker without a whit of conscience and yet he tries to take some kind of moral high ground. Because when his [Barack Obama] step-daddy died he was one of the ten/15 richest men on earth, and he left everything in a trust fund, operated out of Indonesia so the American government cant touch it. $ 1000000. The Bank of International Settlements is primarily a huge drug money laundering operation. During his Presidential campaign his work as a community organizer was portrayed as something for the public to be in admiration over, it was meant to demonstrate Obamas connection to normal people, the general public, but it rarely is mentioned these days, quite like the trip to Pakistan. He is squealing about Esper, he knows what it means. Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, married an Indonesian, Lolo Soetoro, who worked for the Indonesian government and then for an American oil company. These cookies do not store any personal information. But through OBAMAGATE there is definitely not enough journalistic interest from the mainstream media at all. All of Obamas mentors had their fingers in dangerous or corrupt pies, not to mention Mr. Bill Ayers, co founder of The Weather Underground, known as a Domestic Terrorist Organization, who is openly responsible for dozens of bombings of public places. In time Barrack obama will be assassinated, HIS NAME IS BARRY SOETORO.. STUPID The group was called the Berkeley mafia and it ensured that Indonesia was compliant with dictatesof the World Bank, International Monetary Fund,and large Western commercial banks. Lolo Soetoro , also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo[2][3] or Mangundikardjo,[4] was an Indonesian man who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. So, you know that little thing that Bush W. does when he gets with Michelle, they giggle, and he gives her candy? Lolo Soetoro (EYD: Lolo Sutoro; [ll sutr]; 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, was the Indonesian stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Back in the day the people who had security clearances were supposed to admit and disavow political sympathies or memberships with organizations advocating violent overthrow of the US government. 23x40 - 26x48 - 33x60 - Custom TheEV02messaging system currently operates on four continents and is adaptable to any mobile network operator in the world. Submit. They married, and in 1967, the young Obama, then known as Barry. His father's name is Martodihardjo Soetoro. Our new acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. All of the aforementioned mentors along with their corruption all occurred prior to Obama even reaching the Senate. This Clown Berry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama cant produce a LEGAL US BIRTH CERTIFICATE ! Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. So, Obama was groomed and put in this position by none other than the Bushes! Mobile Accords web site states, The heart of the Mobile Accord system is the proprietary high-volumeEV02mobile platform that processes SMS, PSMS, and MMS. Cubas Jewish community leaders denied any knowledge of the project or even knowing Gross, who was sentenced by Cuba to 15 years in prison for espionage. Trump of his powers. Why would we take the advice about palace coups from a man who failed in his own palace coup? The firm soon became enmeshed in major contracting fraud in Iraq. Why the farmers are revolting in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe. If you ripped all of the communists out of the US government, DC would be a ghost town overnight. B. Judicial Watch played into the governments hands, Jan. 6 Committees final verdict: Prosecute Trump, Just in time for holidays, Dems may embrace GOP plan to boot millions off Medicaid. Take over the Middle East, and make yourself rich? The history of USAID is replete with examples of contractor companies and other front groups working for USAID but also doing the bidding of the CIA. Sounds like Don plans on staying in the WH. for another grasp at the ring. What did he have on them? 1 Early life and education; 2 Marriage to Ann Dunham; 3 Later life; 4 Notes; 5 References Actually, these programs were CIA activities using leftist academics to spy on the nationalist movements. Difficult. In addition, USAID funding documents for the ZunZuneo (a Cuban slang word for a hummingbirds tweet) and other civil society projects state that USAID money went to miscellaneous foreign contractors and domestic contractors (undisclosed) to support the Cuban initiatives. How did a guy who voted for the communist party wind up in charge of the CIA? The topic was exploitation of Africas oil resources and the senior executives of Exxon, Mobil, Chevron (where Condoleezza Rice was a board member), and Texaco were present along with Department of Energy and Petroleum Finance Corporation officials. He asserted that despite Biden preparing to transition into the White House on inauguration day, still two months away, at this point Trump is a threat to national security: Im very concerned what he might do in his remaining 70 days in office, said Brennan on Mondays edition of Cuomo Prime Time. After Aristides return to power in 1994,USAID money used to oppose Aristide was funneled through a Project Democracy. Today, USAID is providing dubious small and micro-financing loans to small businesses in Haiti. When George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford Administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business, Lolo Soetaro and pulled off the hitch. That face is consumed with malice and hate, subtlety tinged with fear, the fear that The Big Wheel is turning, and looks to be coming round. Halliburton Look-Ahead Resistivity measurements revealing structure and fluid boundaries to enable proactive drilling decisions. TC you need to quit incessantly bitching about Trump and work real hard to cement Biden into office. Like finding your daughters boyfriend in her bedroom they can go fuk at his house. President Barack Obama. In a 2008 Russian documentary film, Technology of Modern Coup, Bermet Akayeva, the daughter of ousted Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev, ousted in the 2005 Tulip Revolution, stated, USAID is very actively financed by the Soros Foundation, by the National Democratic Institute and some kind of training is carried out constantly. Nationality Indonesian. That last one is actually the . 21 day forecast key west, florida. During his ten-year rule, Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and his intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, thought to be a CIA asset, reportedly received USAID funds to put down the Shining Path and Tupac Amaru guerrilla movements. lolo soetoro. Ive been commenting here for over 10 years. Ah, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. Treason doesn't pay well in the end. American born Ann Dunham met Kenyan born Muslim, Barrack Obama Senior in Hawaii whilst studying Russian (suspiscious?) Death 2 Mar 1987 (aged 52) Jakarta (Djakarta), Jakarta Special Capital Region, Indonesia. Is he going to release some type of information that could, in fact, threaten our national security interests?. The covert aid program to UNITA was started in 1976 by Gerald Fords Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Soetoro earned his bachelor's degree in geography from Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta. Trump added more debt in the last year than father and son Bush team did combined, but so called Conservatives cheer on this clown like barking seals. The writer also encourages his audience/ following to completely dehumanize their oppositions. Custom Union Designs on Request Authorized Halliburton VPN Users MUST use Pulse Secure VPN client to access the network. Im not even sure how to characterize myself politically. John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. I wonder how much above his income is Brennans lifestyle? Barack Obama is a famous American politician who served as president from 2009 to 2017. In Haiti, USAID, acting at the behest of the CIA, funded political opposition to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ousted in CIA-backed coups in 1991 and2004.