Such feelings may be particularly amplified when experienced in isolation amidst ancient forests. Yhath Sanity Loss: 1D3/1D8 Sanity points to see Yhath. In return, such cultists believe they will be received and welcomed by Mhithrha and the Lords of Tindalos, and then transformedtheir flesh rewritten to become as the Tindalosians. Thus, if seen by a number of people simultaneously, each person may see a slightly different form or version of the avatar. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (blood or tentacle) Being unmoving, Yibb-Tstll uses its nightgaunt servants to fend off attackers or may cast spells; otherwise, those who attack may be struck by one of its tentacles, dealing 2D6 damage plus an effect per the Touch of Wisdom power (see nearby). The search for the means and artifacts to repel this entity may prove challenging, and one that may draw the attention of worshippers intent on keeping such things secret or unknown. It remains uncertain as to the veracity of this claim, but the thought is troubling as such bones have an unpleasant way of returning to life, revivifying and re-growing flesh anew. How such divisions arose or play out on the cosmic scale is a matter beyond human comprehension, which we can only rationalize in terms that fail to dig deeper into such alien minds. Note that body armor provides no protection from this attack, but an intervening wall or embankment would safeguard against harm. Forms of environmental protection may offer degrees of protection against the unnatural cold: a warm winter coat or the interior of a heated vehicle may negate or grant a bonus die versus these cold effects, while the interior of a warm building grants two bonus dice. Some may be able to fully transform into a crocodile-like thing for extended periods. Others suffering from a temporary madness, are provoked into performing indiscriminate violent acts. Credence should be given to these writings, as even the short periods of temporary wakefulness on Cthulhus part have given immediate rise to strange occurrences and effects die as necessary to skill rolls) if they fail a CON roll. STR CON SIZ DEX Formless n/a n/a n/a n/a Satyr 100 100 60 80 Monstrous 200 100 200 50 Encounters While direct encounters with the Great God Pan are rare, travelers in wild places may be attacked or spy the transformed followers of this entity. The rest of this entry presumes this entity is an Old One. malleus monstrorum the trove. There you'll find lots of other people who might be open to a good conversation. Another reasoned argument proposes that Dagon and Hydra are facets or avatars of Great Cthulhu, as portions of the whole that did not become trapped or imprisoned in sunken Rlyeh. Should the POW roll be fumbled, the affected person becomes enslaved to Vulthoom and acts under its direct will (the only cure being death or the negation of the effect through magic). Fighting 100% (50/20), damage 10D6 Scoop (mnvr) 100% (50/20), damage 1D3 people killed Stomp (mnvr) 100% (50/20), damage 20D6 Armor 21-point trans-dimensional hide. Sanity Loss: 0/1D3 Sanity points. bullets) deal minimum damage. Cult The worship of Dagon and Hydra by humanity appears to be ancient, with many cults flourishing and dying out throughout history. Accepted wisdom states these two entities were once normal deep ones but, over time, have grown to tremendous proportions; some accounts speak to beings over 20 feet (6 m) tall, while others suggest their size to be more like 100 feet (30 m) tall. Bite and claws ignore mundane armor and cause deep wounds that take twice as long to heal (hit points regained at a rate of 1 point per two days); a successful First Aid or Medicine roll negates the slower healing rate. It may be possible to break such psychic assaults with a successful Psychoanalysis roll. All rights reserved. Humanoid Form: the physical body of the Tick Tock Man may deliver physical attacks (2D6 damage) or discharge energy (2D6+1 damage). According to Hyperborean scholars, Ghizguth (sometimes Ghisguth) begat Tsathoggua, and is the child of Cxaxukluth. If Cythulos does appear, the affected person moves toward the deity in a zombie-like fashion, intent on taking the entitys hand. From there, it will go the printers about a month thereafter. Beneath, hang hundreds of twitching tendrils of varying sizes and shapes. At times, the entity possesses wings and wears a shining halo over its head. Should the name be said aloud, call for a Luck roll (carried out in secret) to determine if the utterance was noted by the Old One. Discerning what such schemes may be is something of a fools errand, and seems beyond human understanding at this time. Note that should any of these POW rolls be fumbled, the link is greater and those affected will begin to change into wind-walkers (the process is fairly slow, with personality changes and a taste for raw meat being the initial signs, later followed by a hunger for human flesh, bestial behavior, a great tolerance for cold, and, ultimately, a change from human to monstrous form). Seemingly, Hziulquoigmnzhah is not bound to any particular place, able to move freely wherever its desire is focused, which would strengthen the argument for it being an underdeveloped Old One whose final form and agenda are yet to come to light. Indeed, those seeking answers may be directed to treat with this entity by way of dream, opening their minds to the possibility of possession and corruption. The members often living wild in remote locations, conducting blood rites, and practicing cannibalism. Other names: Arcturus, the Frozen One, the Icy Gray Flame. Kiss (mnvr): a single pseudopod rapidly extends forth, growing in length and girth, and reaching out to touch a target. A splinter branch of MANY FORMS, MANY FACES Here are just a few of the different forms Nyarlathotep possesses. Hit Points: 45 Damage Bonus (DB): +3D6 (+4D6*) Build: 5 (6*) Move: 14 *SIZ 125 in monstrous lizard form, granting increased DB and build. Many texts state the Milk of Shub-Niggurath produces changes when drunk, with some warning that to even touch this foul fluid is enough to cause a person to take on strange form. Shub-Niggurath may be likened to a perverse fertility deity, bringing uncontrolled and rampant growth, where such fecundity is fashioned by an alien mind and ultimately inimical to life (well, certainly earthly life). Touch of Cold: able to freeze matter by touch or radiating a general cold, possibly meaning a greater susceptibility to fire and heat. Gnophkehs 91 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Aura It would be unlikely to come upon worshippers of Gnophkehs outside of the Arctic Circle. A person surviving the encounter with half or more of their POW remaining regenerates their lost POW at 1D10 points per week; if surviving with less than half POW, a person regains 1D6 points per week up to a maximum of 50 percent of their current POW value (i.e. Some novices (before witnessing a full manifestation of Zu-che-quon) wear blindfolds painted with a dark eye to signify their readiness to embrace their god. And this shall precede their return. Quick Malleus Monstrorum update: the slipcase sets will go on sale at this coming Monday, 14th December (US & AUS). 243 CHAPTER 2 m a l Powers Brood of Zathog: continually produces 1D6 offspring per round, some of which it eats or reabsorbs while others escape to live out their lives within the grotto or find their way out to the outside world. Animate the Dead: able to animate the dead at a cost of 1 magic point per animation (be they animals, humans, or other). The writings go on to say that the creatures body was buried in a hidden place in the lonely British countryside. Powers Chain of Aforgomon: typically, those who have angered Aforgomon may be touched and transported to the Dreamlands (alternatively, possibly to other places), chained naked to a huge stone chair suspended over a gaping abyss. An opposing line of thought suggests Daoloth is somehow linked to Tindalos and may be an alternative manifestation of Mhithrha, the Arch-Lord of Tindalos. Sometimes, Trunembras music may drift into dreams, lodging in the mind and driving musicians to seek out the otherworldly composer-performer. Some go as far as to claim Mhithrha is the spawn of Yog-Sothoth, a son bent on destroying its progenitor. The books are well writen I like the guidelines on making new monsters or gods. Sometimes, when enough have been transformed, a great urge for destruction possesses their minds, driving them to travel across land to sack and destroy communities. If forced to engage in combat, may strike with hands (3D6 damage) or unleash bolts of energy (6D6 damage). 106 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult No known human cult exists for this awful avatar, although wise members of the Cult of Hastur make sacrifices and tokens of appeasement to this entity to ensure its goodwill toward them. Colors, sounds, smells, and general perception seem to shift and cannot be relied upon. Their human worshippers seek to bring about the Old Ones return or rebirth, and in so doing, seek to change humanity itself, so that all will become as the Old Ones and better placed (or formed) to serve them. A manifestation of Ithaqua may float past the investigators, paying them no heed, yet still, fill everyone with dread and horror. An inner darkness conceals the rotting core of corruption of mind, body, and spirit. Necronomicon A divergent line of thought suggests that while YogSothoth may be the catalyst for the Opening of the Way for the rebirth of the Old Ones, its interest in our plane of existence is far more predatory. Cult Armor None. Whether individuals or cults, some may possess the means to travel mentally or physically though time or dimensions. Magic POW: 500 Magic Points: 100 Spells: none. Note the word encounter is used rather than see, as the experience may not be visual at all, or sight is but one component in the overall effect. If necessary, the Lady uses spells or may strike out unarmed or use weapons. In some cases, an affected human may become partially possessed by Hastalk or another Old One, with their body and voice used as a conduit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook has the full rules including background, guidance, spells, and monsters of the game. The process may be reversible with magic spells or the petition for help from another Mythos deity. Mguleloc, the devouring one Sanity Loss: 1D6+2/3D10 Sanity points to encounter Mguleloc. Madam Yi 226 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters True followers of Yidhra are often blessed with long (possibly immortal) lives, with almost all appearing to possess fangs, which many scholars propose to be the root cause of vampire myths around the world. Cult Powers Telepathy: may mentally communicate with any intelligent lifeform; the voice heard is like that of raging fire or swirling water. All in all, Malleus Monstrorum sets an excellent standard for RPG bestiary collections, both now and in the future. Hit Points: 35 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 2 (strike, smash, or flame) May strike and smash with fists (human-like or otherwise) or send forth a burning green flame when necessary, but prefers to employ spells or use others to distract opponents while removing itself from danger. Lilith is believed to share some connection to Nyarlathotep, although this link is thought to veer close to antagonism and enmity. Physical data is thus provided in a handy but unobtrusive manner. Possible Blessings Use Angles: able to move through angles between locations or other bodies within 2 miles/3 km (costing 4 magic points); if a body, may prepare other people to be potential vessels (the original owners will is suppressed while their body is inhabited). While evidence remains uncertain, the is possibly one group, known as the Faceless Ones or the Shadow Men, allegedly bound in some manner to Yegg-Ha. A pool of gray stinking foulness, quivering and swelling in disjointed rhythm, and at its edges was a tide of obscene offal. Don't make him cry any more. Those outside this area see everything twisting and elongating in odd directions, while those inside see themselves being twisted and stretched, which provokes a Sanity roll (1/1D4 loss). Mentally, the entity can reach into human minds to cause illusion, pain, and desire to bloom, while physically, the Old One may send forth is brood to infect humankind. Water causes 2 damage per gallon, a bucket of sand inflicts 1D3 damage, and a handheld fire extinguisher deals 1D6+1 damage. The Malleus Monstrorum (intended to be Latin for "Hammer of the Monsters") is a gaming supplement for the Chaosium Call of Cthulhu RPG . Of modern-day cult affairs, such gatherings are likely to be done in remote places, where the arrival of a chthonian or a visitation from Shudde Mell would go unnoticed. Powers Entropy: all matter touched by Quachil Uttaus ages rapidly until nothing but dust remains, with objects aging inexplicably within a vicinity of approximately 1 mile (1.6 km). 135 CHAPTER 2 m a l these beings are aberrant cast-offs from Cthulhu, sentient to a degree, but do not possess the full characteristics of the Old Ones. AlongsideThe Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, it will be part of the wish list of all fans of the system.". Mellifluous Voice: the entitys voice is incredibly sweet and sonorous, almost song-like, fostering goodwill in those hearing it unless they resist with a Hard POW roll. On the heels of his widely successful trilogy of works honoring H. P. Lovecraft, Donald Tyson now unveils a true grimoire of ritual magic inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos. Some appear elemental, as fire or living liquid, while others are fleshy or mineral in aspect. In listening to the whispers and dreams of alien gods these people discover new powers and, over time, fashion magics to affect and alter the world around them, all while their hearts are corrupted with the foulness of the Mythos. Such folk may be driven to learn and worship the mind that has touched them, not realizing what Azathoth is nor understanding the corruption that is spreading through their mind and body. The victim may attempt to break free with a STR or DEX roll at Extreme difficulty; colleagues may assist by using their STR to reduce to the difficulty of the roll or if able to inflict 8 damage to a tentacle arm (penalty die to target the limb), causing the victim to be released. The Grimoire of the Necronomicon is a practical system of ritual magic based on Lovecraft's mythology of the alien gods known as the Old Ones. It reforms upon its throne in Carcosa in 1D100 days. Only if we can watch for the signs and strive to prevent what follows, might we perhaps have a chance of survival, although I fear it is but a slim chance. The information within is designed to bring the creatures and bizarre races of the Cthulhu Mythos to life at the gaming table, as well as all manner of Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings. While there is no definitive record of such periods, Mythos scholars studying Earths history have suggested certain events as being caused fully or in part by Cthulhus will, including the great dying of 251,000,000 BCE (the extinction of 96 percent of earthly life) and the year 536 CE, when a great cold swept across the world, a mysterious fog covered the Middle East and Asia, and thousands of humans died. When compared to the cults of Cthulhu and He Who Is Not To Be Named, Ithaquas cult (collectively) is smaller, but this does not include others who worship the Old One, such as the abhorrent gnoph-keh. Hit Points: 80 Damage Bonus (DB): +6D6 Build: 7 Move: 2 Combat Attacks per round: 1D4+2 May send forth its vine/root tendrils to strike or grab, but tends to rely upon its powers to use others to defend itself. Those held may, on the following round, be bitten (6D6 damage), crushed (8D6 damage), or flung (4D6 damage). It reforms in 1D100 days. The Cult of Yig (originating with the serpent people, but spreading out independently to some humans) is considered the largest grouping, although most groups within this family are essentially unconnected and undirected, save for any commandment forthcoming from Yig itself. Enchanted weapons cause harm, although (at the Keepers discretion) some may also shatter after their first successful strike. In addition, further depth is provided to the cults associated with each entity, the possible blessings bestowed upon such followers, and ideas for how these beings might be encountered or come to influence events in scenarios and campaigns. It takes one full round to disappear through an angle and step out through the exit angle (thus, it reappears at the end of the current round). It is said to dwell outside of our reality in another dimension unlike our own, where tides of chaos wash over and twist the senses and where the air seethes and corrupts. Quite what the effect of such a place upon a human visitor would be is uncertain, but, from the minimal description we have, it is likely not a good one. A pure thought-form of anger that builds and festers until it must be released to destroy. Cat Messenger: may use any cat to relay a message; usually, the cat cannot speak but can act to point out something or even claw a word into a wall or some surface (on rare occasions, Bast may speak through the cat, with her voice being heard). Those affected should make a Sanity roll upon waking (1/1D8 loss). Prophecies speak of the arrival of Ghroth being foreshadowed by natural planetary disasters, such as great tidal waves, powerful storms, and earthquakes. Alternatively, Ythogtha may instead cause other illusions to manifest to trap, trick, or otherwise harm those it encounters; the Keeper should apply Sanity loss as appropriate to the illusion, which may be resisted with a POW roll, or an Extreme POW roll later, if first failed. Foresight of events to come: awards two bonus dice that can be used singly or together to affect any future roll. Fighting 100% (50/20), damage 1D10 (see above) Vampiric (mnvr) 100% (50/20), damage 1D10 POW (see above) Armor None, but ignore the first 10 points of damage suffered in a round (i.e. 7 UNKNOWABLE: 1 ABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS CHAPTER W The Cthulhu Mythos is yours. While Iods name is recognized by most scholars, this deity has rarely made its presence known on Earth. Touch of Ygolonac: infuses the slow corruption of a targets spirit and flesh (the target must have somehow been touched by Ygolonac, such as reading about, hearing of, or encountering the entity). Embody Plague: body is covered in weeping sores and boils; able to shoot acid-like pus from hands, sores, or mouth (inflicting 1D4 damage). Some dissension exists as to whether this hidden realm is contained on this planet or if, as a few would suggest, the location is simply a doorway to another world or dimension, providing access to and from the Green Abyss. The Cult of Cthulhu purports that Nctosa and Nctolhu are the twin daughters of Great Cthulhu, born of a union with Kassogtha. They are cunning and intelligent in achieving their goals, and happy to employ all means necessary. Download the conversion guide. Another group, the Hands of the Faceless One, are believed to exist. For the most part, lore suggests Azathoths primary will (or urge) is channeled and actioned by Nyarlathotep, who serves as a sort of regent, interpreting and somehow embodying this will. Browse our online store today! Certainly, rituals to summon this avatar are jealously kept, and it is likely that inter-personal or cult rivalry might breakout if one group possessed this summing ritual, with the other groups keen to obtain it at all costs. The qualities of timelessness and hidden depths would be evident in encounters with these beings or things associated with them. The Necronomicon says that when first summoned, Trunembra plays the Music of the Spheres but may change its tune to accommodate its new listeners as, through its sounds, it may convey messages, teach spells, and accept sacrifices. Therefore, Nodens might be described as a cosmic being, manipulating humanity to enact its will through coercion masked in the trappings of human mythology. Some links may allow the mind of the servants to be swopped, allowing each to experience another body in which to perform their masters tasks. What scraps of information are known are drawn from rare and fragmentary texts, conversations with wizards and witches, and from life-altering exposure. Those who access Daoloth in this manner may ignorantly repeat the process numerous times, with each experience strengthening the link between them and the entity, which may have severe repercussions, such as allowing a portion of the deity to pour into their minds and completely possess thema Splinter of Daoloth embodied in human flesh (see page 76). For each 5 magic points invested, the range of control increases by 100 yards/meters; note that in the modern era, 10 magic points allows the Tick Tock Man to utilize the world wide web and other such networks to potentially gain control of a machine at any distance (at the Keepers discretion). A somewhat scary prospect is the notion that Vulthoom may be able to reproduce itself via seedlike pods, which it is believed to cast out once every 10,000 years. Contained within this mighty sphere are Nug and Yeb, the twin monstrosities, ever joined in perpetual union. Similar access may be afforded elsewhere on Earth and beyond. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Encounters While cults appear mostly insular with no overreaching inter-cult operations, the tendency of Gol-goroth worship to exist in small clusters across a widespread area means that encounters with cult members are likely in certain areas of the world. Edition. There does not appear to be an organized cult of the Green Man, with most groups working in isolation. It should be assumed that some of these children who are unable to escape the gods influence eventually grow into adulthood and full membership of a cult. Cult Death-Walker has some following among the peoples of the sub-Arctic region in both America, Siberia, and Iceland. The answer is simple, as intelligent as the Keeper. They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Thus, the longer the Lady stays to orchestrate, the worst the situation becomes. Sacrificial Summons: blood sacrifice made specifically to Saaitii has a 30 percent change of summoning the deity within 1D10 hours. If I have a question about a Cthulhu Mythos monster this is probably the first place I'm going to go to now. Those theorizing the link to the Dark Mother have claimed that these rituals brought forth Utulls-Hrher as ShubNigguraths avatar or herald. Some texts comment that in this period, wizards and some mystical sects paid particular attention to this Old One. >> Anonymous Tue Jul 21 17:52:07 2020 No. Fighting Bite Crush Dodge 100% (50/20), damage 2D6 80% (40/16), damage 1D4+2 plus 5 INT and POW (see above) 60% (30/12), damage 2D6+6 40% (20/8) Armor None.