thank you so much, that means a lot! I gave her a letter, and in that letter I wrote about how much I loved her and that I was so happy that we waited. My thoughts are not to break up with her, because I understand her mistake, but rather to find out how to move on! You should left her and search someone else stop thinking about her just don't talk her .you will get better than her if you believe in yourself be a tiger not a dog, Man you are dog not a tiger dog are in the habit of running before ****, Man you are dog not a tiger if you believe in yourself just left her don't run before the **** u don't knw from how many dogs she **** just left her usi main bhalai, I'm going through the same exact thing but she didn't leave for a long time the guy went in for it and she kissed him. (nothing under the pants), My boyfriend of 2 years found out I kissed another guy and he is very insecure. If she is going to stop spending any time with him, it has to be something that she decides on her own. Long distance is incredibly tough! Watch this video to understand how a womans attraction for a man works and how you can use it to enjoy your choice of women and help keep her faithful for life. Far as I can tell she kinda let it sink in over the next few days that she might have rather been with him. But I know she loves me but still it was a bad thing to do to me. Im really a mess right now. I have quit my job since this all happemed. So it's only really news when a great musician or band puts out a turgid stinker. Well, in short.this **** ****ing sucks. Regardless, I consider it cheating she doesn't, whatever. I cant believe she did this to me, after waiting 12 months. feedback really helps with this situation plz. If it ever happens again there is no way im doing that again. If she isnt truly committed and you dont dump her, she will drag you deeper into the relationship and make you feel like you need her and she will then dump you, so you can feel the pain of losing her. She had told him to never talk to her again, but he did. Months of love wasted on trying to make some girl I don't know feel good. You can tell her that you are looking for a serious, committed and if she wants that, you are willing to give it to her, but if you notice that she doesnt want that, you and her are simply going to break up and go your separate ways. You're getting what's called the trickle truth. Hope everything workes out for you in the end. You've broken the obsession, and are in the safe space of reality. If she is truly committed to you, she will definitely become more sensible, but if she isnt really sure about her commitment to you, the same mistake will almost certainly happen again in future. So, if youve found yourself saying, My girlfriend kissed another guy and you believe that she is an untrustworthy, cheating type of woman, then youre not going to have much success keeping a relationship together for life with her. She ran after me with tears and stopped me right before I walked in. I just couldn't resist. Haha, thanks gymgirlie! Right now, youre probably feeling hurt and betrayed by your girlfriend and maybe even a bit angry about the whole situation. You cant let an untrustworthy woman destroy you and turn you into an insecure guy who hides from women because he is afraid of being hurt. This left me and my guy friend alone on the couch. At heart, it's your typical fish out of water story, but like I said there's a hook. Girlfriend kissed another Guy What do I do if my girlfriend had kissed this guy in the past in our relationship .she lied to me about how they kissed she said he supprised her and couldn't react fast enough but recently I got out the truth because I felt like she was lying. You are in love with a major liar. A relationship should make your life better, not worse. If her bf broke up with she would be devastated. Instead, she turned away from him then turned back to him and she initiated a second kiss and it was more than a peck on the lips. I have always done ok with girls and she's absolutely stunning and got loads of personality so she has always got plenty of attention off other lads. My Girlfriend Kissed Another Guy ON CAMERA. - http://mirandasings. She wanted to dump ME for ****s sake I feel useless. It takes time to forgive, and after youre done talking to your girl, it could be good for you to be alone and think. wait you guys should understand the whole story. She tells me it is for the same reason we argued about before New years and she thought a lot and decided it wasnt going to be ok. For me this was a huge shock. Girls' night is a must for methere are few things I love more than getting together with my best friend dishing about our latest relationship dramas while eating an insane amount of tacos. anyway. When she feels that pain, she will then begin to realize that she does want to be with you and you can then accept her back under certain conditions. Every letter was like 15 pages on a word document. If your girlfriend has been actively hanging out with her single girlfriends to go out and party and get drunk, then its only natural that she will eventually cheat on you if you dont have a deeply committed relationship where both of you know for sure that you want to be together for life. All we wanted was to be with each other, but she lived on the other side of the world, and plane tickets are soooo expensive. Iv give my girlfriend a second chance but there was plenty of times I thought about just getting rid of her because I didn't know if I could trust her again and thought she had ruined everything. Today, I found out that she kissed another guy from school. My girlfriend got drunk and kissed another guy, 2 months later she got drunk and kissed a girl, HELP, Girlfriend kissed another guy after been fighting a lot. Iv never in my life checked a girl's phone because iv never felt like I needed to. She took a year of to study, and is now back for good. -GF's feelings changed and she wanted to break up because the she and the other dude were, or did, hook up again. Dump her and be on your way. When she texts me I compulsively end up calling her and talking about the relationship and sort of telling her how good she is and how much I want her. If you want to keep her, youve got to continually be the sort of guy that she wants to remain faithful, rather than expecting her to remain faithful because things used to be good between you and her at the start of the relationship. When I asked her if there was something wrong two days later she lied to me and said that everything was fine. But it can help you to see it as something that is not as importatn as you may believe. Hopefully she learned that when you get a person who truly cares about you, you cant treat him like that. But a couple of weeks before christmas she had exams and essays due in so she was quite stressed and a bit off with me. I had to login to her email, without her knowing, to see what she writes to her friend to get honesty out of her. New interactions must take place, and some words need to change. Good luck man! If she didnt want to do kiss the guy, she would have reacted within 5 seconds and stopped him from kissing her any further. She will want you to come along too because you are the man that she is proud to be with and you are the man that she wants to be kissing, hugging and hooking up with at the end of the night. Whenever she went out on nights out she used to text me loads of loved up messages that I would wake up to so I never ever thought I couldn't trust her. If you get back with her she WILL do this again. - http://mirandasingslipstik.comCome see me on tour! She's packed in university, which I would never ask her to do, because she's so homesick and misses me. BUT at the same time I am completely confused now because I feel hurt by her having kissed someone else like this. Getting her to love you, respect you, touch you and want you the way she did in the beginning, isn't difficult at all. She said was feeling very stressed and was feeling low and her mate had got with some lad so she was just stood there and this lad started talking to her. Dump her and move on dude, as everyone in this thread has advised. and I have to tell the whole story. The third step to stop intrusive thoughts about your Ex is to shift your attention to something positive or pleasurable intentionally. He would rather play Halo than spend time with her. the best of luck. What he needs to do is stop saying and doing the sorts of things that are causing his girlfriend to lose touch with her feelings of love, respect and attraction for him. It was 3am. The reason I say 'surprisingly' is because it was just ment to be a bit of no strings fun - she is 19 and was going to university in September which was 150 miles away, and I'm 24 and I have a young baby to somebody else, who I was never in a relationship with, so we never set out for anything serious because we both had other big commitments. My wife of 20 years is 56 and very beautiful, looking much younger than her age. She cheated on you and lied. Thought Shifting. What we have is true and pure! mercer county community college basketball roster. Firstly, despite supposedly "coming clean", you still haven't gotten the whole truth from her. By . When you are one of the guys who can actively attract women during interactions, you will see that its extremely easy to attract and pick up women. insecurity, low self-esteem). Otherwise you'll appear like someone who can be taken for granted. She claims she drank too much when she was out and lost control. She got new friends and got more attention and basically worked up the balls to tell me to **** off. Iv only just really started calming down about it this last couple of weeks myself and my girlfriend did this back in December. She has some wonderful qualities; I dont want to lose her. It is possible to keep a woman faithful to you when in a long distance relationship, but if she doesnt really feel a lot of respect, attraction and love for you, then the chances of her remaining are greatly reduced. and now she will continue to do that with a clean conscience! At first I thought she was txting me bc she was still confused but now I realize it was simply to make sure i don't relapse. I promise you that. I miss us like crazy! Should I or should I not, Nate it's a tough time and I really feel for you mate. 15pages times 53 weeks is a lot! Maybe she didnt tell me because she wanted to see if we were still the same as before. I was annoyed and hurt and felt humiliated! I agreed. Thanks for the response! A Anonymous #1 I broke up with my girlfriend one night in the middle of an argument. I found this one because the person I was posting about also goes to the other site and I didn't want him to read my posts. You can assume that your girlfriend cheated on you before listening to her. A part of me wants to forgive her, because I love her. How foolish will I feel?". Women can remain faithful in a long distance relationship and a perfect example of that is when men are deployed overseas for their work with the armed services (e.g. do what makes u happy **** the rest. The tell-tale fact is that the night we argued and this happened -I actually told her i would change things and fix it but hours later SHE still decided to give me the emotional middle finger by drinking with this dude. Regardless of how good your intentions are and how great of a guy you really are, demanding that of her will make her feel like she is trapped in a relationship with an insecure guy, which will actually make her feel more attracted to the guy she recently kissed. (BTW, guys have to deal with insecurity just as much as girls.) I cant believe she still stood by me and wanted to get back together. I.e. HAAD Certified Dentists in Abu Dhabi. First of all is what kind of cheating it was. It's obviously going to be a tough period, but before I found this out she spent every day making me the happiest I've ever been! My girlfriend of 4 years kissed and "played" with another guy. April 2021 11 145 Report My wife kissed another man. Hank Williams | 14K views, 151 likes, 37 loves, 80 comments, 40 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lorraine's Coffee House & Music: Hank Williams, Sr.. If she does go out without you there (e.g. co-workers, friends, etc) and cut people who are close to her out of her life completely, then its not going to make her feel as though she is an individual who has the freedom to decide things on her own. She was away for a year and I just found out through her emails that she kissed her ex one night for 10 seconds or so! The man turned to Reddit 's "Relationship Advice" forum to ask whether simply sleeping in the same bed as another man counted as cheating and whether he should leave after finding out his girlfriend had lied. And im really happy she didnt give up on us back then. I lost of words right now Goodbye for now, and thanks for taking the time for me. You have to be able to completely let go that subject and commit to her words and the promises you can have together. She's not what you think she is. {Man} Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. I think you should keep enjoying life with your lady and yes, appear a little cool and confident and as wellmake those amazing dates and don't fly off the handle and just spending every little minute with her while trying to sort this outbut I think a few weeks of time should get you two back to where you were before hand. Notice how your body feels, in the present moment, without judgment. Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. Which means that if you stay with her, you'll continue to be "second string". You have to forgive her, forget about it and then continue on, knowing that it was a silly mistake and she wont ever want to go through a break up with you like that again. Or both. also at this point she basically wants me to be her bitch and treat her awesome without even taking any responsibility for this business with this other dude. What Should You Do When Your Girlfriend Kissed Another Guy And Told You? Had you not objected to it she would probably have not felt very guilty about cheating. Many brave knigts had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. See if she is showing any intrest of gettng back togheter with you. If she has been faithful all before this and she just kissed and nothing else then i think she should get a second chance. I think the bottom question is if you're going to be able to forgive her and not bring the subject whenever you're angry, or if you're not going to use it as an excuse to behaver carelessly. If so, I think it's possible for you to live again all the things you used to. But when she got in the shower I couldn't resist! She's a great girl but she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, trust me. shes freakin hot - so fine - and doesnt act like it, she's really humble. Now here comes the tricky part. One reason guys cheat is that they want out of the relationship, but aren't man enough to just break up, so they cheat in order to have an excuse to get out. Which is CRAZY!!!! Rather than only being focused on her, you need to develop a strong sense of purpose as a man by starting to make progress towards your biggest dreams and ambitions in life, while also giving time and attention to her. She blames the kiss on the guy and alcohol and my lack of giving attention to her. Do not believe her sh#t that it's your fault. My head was so full of thoughts, and I thought about it every single day. She feels that we argue too much and I'm not always nice enough to her and thats why she liked this guys attention all along and liked his kiss. You may have ignored her or treated her like crap but she should have A. Inicio; my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it; Sin categorizar; my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it I know I can get another girlfriend, I've always been more succesful than her at getting sex etc from the opposite sex but I dunno wtf to do, i love her for many reasons other than this obviously. Everything was going really well and we loved eachother so much and whenever I had to leave her or she had to go back to university it would be very hard and we would miss eachother, but she would find it alot harder because she was so homesick. I'd say they did more than just kiss. Your story is no different from thousands of others. I'll tell you. If your girlfriend kissed another guy because she was extremely drunk and sincerely didnt even know what was happening (e.g. Married 8 years and kissed another women. If you act like nothing happened she might think its not that bad, and she can repeat it again. Basically, I tried, obsessively, to fix this **** and stay with her. Even though the relationship with his wife was amazing at the start, it just gets better and better every year that they are together. She said she didn't go any further but she said that she enjoyed it - she says that because she enjoyed it its not right to stay with me. Romantic relationships go through their trials and tribulations, just like all relationships throughout life. So my girlfriend and I had an argument on new years and she went to hang out with her friends (two of whom are boys that I always felt like they maybe flirted). It was new years night and I blew her off for a week she was begging to see me. Your relationship will literally get better every day from then on. And I think I can forgive her and never bring the subject up again in the future. Because it first starts with a kiss and then it will go all the way, and you'll be back in a formal relationship without saying it or noticing it. Why? When she hugs me and looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes I just want to kiss her. You can not control the actions of others, only yourself.