40K: Looking Towards 9th Edition Tyranids - Bell of Lost Souls Realistically youre more likely to top out a bit lower, because there are other cool things you want to spend points on, but these are an incredible bargain, and there are other valid tweaks you can make. Sadly it's 1 damage vs rhe Trygon's 12 at 2. The last real choice here is Raveners, who like a lot of the mid-weight infantry have taken a level in badass. You probably want exactly a three model unit and no more most of the time, but that unit is a big value add (unless youre already mostly using units with invulnerable saves). Starting at the top you have the Broodlord, who was made slightly tougher and nastier but lost all of their genestealer-specific bonuses. Not necessary, but being able to make a genuine T9 model by sticking it on a foot Tyrant is cute. If youve jammed 30 Gaunts right into the opponents face ahead of a charge this is going to be a huge hit, and even a couple of monsters gets this onto parity with Smite, so this will definitely be good some of the time and its free, so great! Three hits (and extremely generically useful ones at that), two misses and a buildaround is a fine rate for a set of traits, so expect to be buying these for your bugs left and right. Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Women! Finally, Death Frenzy (Fight on death) is now melee only and gains the standard rider of not being able to be used if youve already fought, but its still a pain for opponents to play around because you now get to make the attacks on top profile so something is coming with you. If you like your Hive Tyranids shooty youve got plenty of choices too Pathogenesis provides a decent bump in shooting range and the ability to reroll one hit and one wound die, certainly not terrible if youre thinking of bombarding your opponent with heavy venom cannon shots. Carnifexes have even inherited the rock-hard chitin exoskeletons that the Hive Fleet experimented with in the recent Crusher Stampedes, granting them damage reduction. Many also have unique tricks they can pull off to help you adapt to situations on the tabletop. For the digestion of the Hive Mind, may it gain knowledge. As is so often the case in Warhammer 40k, however,now that the new rules have been subjected to real-world play, 9th edition Drukhari have quickly become a top-tier competitive army, with multiplerecent tournament wins. The Blood Angels Codex Supplement was released on December 5, 2020. Notably, the following stand out as exceptionally good: That tends to leave some of the other units in the book feeling somewhat eclipsed not because theyre bad or not looking pretty cool, but because on a strictly competitive basis, youre almost always better plowing your points into the above. Its 184 pages contain 55 pages of lore;51 pages of main faction rules (including legion-specific rules, warlord traits, relics, and more); 19 pages of rules for the Crusade narrative mode, and 44 unit datasheets. However, it combines very well with the second part, which boosts the AP of shots under half range, and that starts to get really interesting it means that the incidental firepower from Gaunts and Gargoyles is often going to be operating at AP-2, and opens up more play for AP0 stuff in this armour save economy. Everybodys floating brain, the Neurothrope got a modest boost courtesy of extra Toughness and a spare wound. We can expect this one in early 2022, around the same time as the Adeptus Custodes. Its dark and brooding cover was shown off on May 4, and a plethora of Chaos announcements came hot on its heels. On a 6+ (boosted for FEEDER TENDRILS unit, which importantly includes Deathleaper) you get a free Command Point, and three extra VP the first time that happens. Which direction this goes isnt totally consistent, but its useful for squeezing an army into Patrols and means you likely wont be struggling to fit slot allowance. There were not a lot of hard details given, but we can all imagine that these details will be coming soon in a series of articles from GW, but we did learn some general ideas of what awaits us in the coming weeks. Purestrain Genestealers: Whos ready for razor hugs?Credit: Pendulin. Itsnoweasier to make lists with a mix of the Drukharis sub-factions: Kabals, Wych Cults and Haemonculus Covens. ++1x Venom Cannon Whether you want to dominate the Shooting, Psychic or Fight phases this book has got the bug for you, with plenty of potent tools for powering them up, including strong army-wide buffs from the new Synaptic Imperatives. The basic loadout for both are monstrous boneswords and a lash whip, and both have the option to swap out the bonesword and lash whip for a heavy venom cannon or a stranglethorn cannon. You can buy one of these for each non-CHARACTER, non-TITANIC MONSTER in your army, and as is standard you cannot include any of them more than once. Of particular note, Shardgullet boosts a heavy venom cannon to an almighty damage five, ideal for leaving Custodes Jetbikes sweating profusely. Something thats completely new here is a number of the psychic powers available to the Hive Mind now use Synaptic Link range, which can make your psychic phase quite a bit more effective if youve properly arranged your SYNAPSE models but could bite you if you make a mistake in positioning or your canny opponent breaks your link chain. There are also a few speed boosts, always welcome, and probably the funniest and most unique of the lot in Thrashing Demise from the Trygon Prime, which lets any of your models with Death Throes trigger it on a 3+ rather than a 6+, and also lets anything without that ability deal a mortal back on a 6 when they die. Dakka is now a weapon type, rather than simply a hilarious kick-ass ability, and your basic Orks Toughness was boosted from four to five. Following more hints that fire and magic would be making its way to Warhammer 40k later this year, and anannouncementthat both codexes had been delayed, weve finally got confirmation of whats in store. More positive are the Exocrine and Tyrannofex, the big shooting bugs. Whats bad is that you can only score this with Troops, and being brutally honest you just dont want enough Troop units in most armies to make this anything other than extremely high risk. Screamer Killers are probably more likely to see some use, just because theyre so hilariously lethal and get boosted movement to help leverage that. Hes even tougher and deadlier than the average Lictor, with more wounds and a 4+ invulnerable save, is a CHARACTER so can be screened or use a Heroic, and prevents anything its in Engagement Range of from being selected as the target of any stratagems. Equally important, the relic now disallows rerolls to hit, which a lot of armies leverage to push tons of hits onto targets just by sheer numbers. Besides the bare essentials inevitable points tweaks, new stratagems, rules for Crusade mode the titbits weheard before the books release pointed to a fairly subtle upgrade. Its strong enough that it probably edges out Searhive, which allows a model with Toxin Sacs to just auto-wound in melee against targets that arent VEHICLES or MONSTERS, but that is also pretty funny. Codex Chaos Space Marines turned up just as June turned into July, and Chaos Daemons straddled August and September. Go big, and make the opponents army go home. Like the others, its full of army-specific datasheets, rules, and bespoke Crusade content for the Death Guard, the vile,disgustingly resilient sons of the dread Daemon Primarch Mortarion. . Pre-orders: March 26th 2022 Release Date: April 2nd 2022 Parasite of Mortrex: $90 Tyranids Codex: $55 Tyranids Combat Patrol: $140 Universal Rules Synaptic Links One Per Game within 6" of any Synapse Unit As mentioned above, the horde stuff here maybe feels like it could all be a point cheaper, at least for Termagants and Hormagaunts, which rock in at 7pts and 8pts each respectively. The codex also has Tyranids Crusade rules for chowing down on an entire planet. Some of you may have heard that Devourers got a bit of an adjustment, but the hordes of Gorgan care not. Both the 9th editionGrey KnightsandThousand Sonscodexesreleased alongsidea double-army battlebox,Hexfire: Supernatural Warfare in the 41st Millennium. Codex: Tyranids came skittling to pre-order on chitinous limbs on April 16, 2022. These are powerful, aura-like abilities that radiate from each and everySYNAPSEunit in your army until the end of that round and depending on your swarms composition, youll be able to pick between a jaw-dropping10of them. For all intents and purposes, these units work more like a token or marker than an actual model. The other key tool here is the Psychic Power Hive Nexus. Leaked Codex PDF. Each breed ofSYNAPSEcreature in your army grants access to a different Synaptic Imperative think of it as a beast transmitting its specialised instincts across the rest of the Hive Minds command beacons. These units have the SYNAPSE keyword, which has the immediate benefit that HIVE FLEET units within 6 automatically pass morale, and some additional utility beyond that. This ingenious weapon fires two massive projectiles in quick succession, the first coating the target in acidic goo before the second penetrates their armour and dissolves to cause an almighty explosion from within.*. In addition to adding 1 to all its own Psychic tests, the big change is Warp Siphon. Harpy 180pts Synaptic Lure continues the Kraken trend of closing the gap by allowing your units to reroll charges against its target. Similar to Tau, most weapons have received some form of glowup, whether it be a point of AP here, a point of strength there or (again) sometimes both. Leviathan Patrol Early 2023 is the Marines 2.0 book for 9th ed, at which point, only World Eaters and Inquisition might be missing their books.. but if I'm not mistaken, GW never actually said World Eaters would be coming this edition. The name stays, but the effect has been tweaked a bit. Some monsters are big and chunky, others are small and highly numerous. Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated! You can also come in within 9 of the enemy at that point, but if you do the monster cannot charge. Theyre probably not totally out of contention, especially in Kronos, but theyre much, much harder to use because the impaler cannon now only has 24 range (and needs a SYNAPSE unit to spot for it in order to shoot indirectly). The synaptic network of the Tyranid Hive Mind. Theres some nice stuff here overall, and while its probably eclipsed by big monster mash lists out of the gate, theres some depths worth serious exploration. There were plenty of rules updates for Tyranidslovers to tuck into, though. This can sometimes be a sidegrade, as games absolutely can be flipped by one of your units going bang in the middle of the enemy army at a key moment, but the change removes the big drawback of explosions, which is that theyll sometimes completely ruin you when the opponent gets a strong start and pops a few units in your deployment zone. Not only do you (presumably) still have the powerful extra tools from their Codex Supplement to play with, they get one of the best Hive Fleet Adaptations in the book. Luckily, their abilities have been tuned to perfection, and they now look like a bunch of fun, and provide strong synergy if you want to spam Termagants. Dark Angelsin February,Drukhari in March, and the Adeptus Mechanicus in late May. The Lurk list really stands out, but all three have some good choices, and because of Hyper Adaptation existing were going to flip our normal script and talk about the custom trait options first. Carnifexes arent the only colossal creatures getting juiced up by the Hive Fleet. Big guns arent just for killing big targets, though, and when quantity rules over quality, the fleshborer hive is king. Speaking of Ripper Swarms, theyve moved here from Troops and unfortunately that means they dont have much of a role they die to a light breeze, theyre not ObSec, and you cant use them to fill mandatory detachment slots. Synaptic Imperative is particularly enjoyable because it provides the player with plenty of agency without being overly burdensome in terms of mental load. In some ways that may not actually be the worst thing in the world, as a lot of what will be needed is just some point increases, which isnt hard. DnD alignment: Lawful Good. There are some very, very nasty weapons available to your monsters, so this rules, and its totally fine on big squads of Hormagaunts too. Remember, this doesnt just affect units near yourHive Tyrant if chosen,everySYNAPSEunit in your army will start emitting the same Synaptic Imperative. Leaked Codex PDF : r/Tyranids - reddit Also on that theme Deathleaper (whois an upgraded Lictor). We can imagine the Hive Mind cackling in its multitudinous voices as it pushes aSynaptic Imperativeover the swarm, making them even more formidable. ++Toxin Sacs The former is great if youre up against something with volume AP-1 like Tau, and the latter can cause headaches for armies like Thousand Sons or Craftworlds. None of the others shine quite as much as those first two, but plenty of these are cheap and pretty decent. Dominating the Psychic Phase looks like something that Tyranids will excel at, and this suite of tricks is going to be a lynchpin in lists built around doing so. Games Workshop Codex Tyranids. The Hive Fleet with a need for speed, 9th edition Kraken eschews its ability to fall back and charge (which you can thankfully access elsewhere) and gains a new lethality on the approach in the form of Questing Tendrils, bumping melee AP by 1 if a unit charges. Warhammer 40,000 Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. The pattern followedprevious releases, with GW doing its big reveal of the new book one week before pre-orders go live on aSaturday evening, with the books hitting shelves (or, more accurately nowadays, doorsteps)theweekend after that. 3 Warriors, 3 Deathspitter, 3 Dual Boneswords, flesh hooks 80, No Slot TheChaos Space Marines9th edition codex went up for pre-order on Saturday, June 25, 2022, and was released on Saturday, July 2. Very strong and a great candidate for Winged Hive Tyrants to quickly deliver some pain and also horrible news for Phoenix Lords, Ctan and the like. Instead of the auto-take movement boost in the Shooting phase, this ability now provides a HIVE FLEET unit within Synaptic Link range with Objective Secured. That aside, this book feels like a win overall Tyranids have some of the more challenging themes to translate into rules on the tabletop, and this book pulls that off extremely effectively while also successfully supporting a very deep model range. Tyrant Guard. Codex: Tyranids (9th Edition) is an army book for the Tyranid faction, for the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40000. Finally, I think most of the datasheets in the book land very well theres a whole bunch of monsters you just never saw on the table in 8th that now have functional, effective rules that should be great fun on the table for players that have them in their collections always a plus. Compared to a regular walking Tyrant it has an extra wound and a LOT more attacks with its bone sabres, but the major shifts are with its abilities. The Hive Mind has been hard at work sprucing up its smaller beasties withstronger gunsandfaster, tougher bodies, and now its moving onto the big lads. I would hope GW would come to their senses and relegate Crusher Stampede to the Open Play dungeon, but if they dont expect Tyranids to be extremely difficult to displace. The faction trait is very eye-catching though unless shooting at a VEHICLE or TITANIC, any attack (ranged and melee) made by a unit from this Hive Fleet is successful on an unmodified 4+, very different to anything weve seen before and a huge headache for some opponents (Custodes hate this one weird trick). There are a couple of key old favourites that return to kick off though. The Leagues of Votann wrapped up all theWarhammer 40k Xenos codexes, whiletheAstraMilitarum(Imperial Guard) codex that was packed in with the Cadia Stands box setwrapped up all the Warhammer 40k Imperium of Man armies. Its 184 pages contain 55 pages of lore; 51 pages of main faction rules (including legion-specific rules, warlord traits, relics, and more); 19 pages of rules for the Crusade narrative mode, and 44 unit datasheets. The rest of their kit leans in on the poisonous theme their Warlord trait deals Mortal Wounds to nearby enemies in the Fight Phase, their psychic power gives you Mortals on 6s to wound in melee (again great with big units of swarmy stuff) and the Psychic Power enhanced Toxin Sacs, making the auto-wound trigger on a 5+ rather than 6+. This is a prime candidate for either Dermic Symbiosis or Synaptic Enhancement Adaptive Physiologies, as the former keeps your mighty beast going longer and the latter allows you the benefits of Synaptic Imperatives and also shove Shadow in the Warp down enemy psykers throats early on. It synergizes with Maleceptors (more powers), makes every monster significantly harder to kill, makes the Synergistic Imperative of Zoanthropes less necessary, has a lot of powerful traits and Stratagems, and has minimal downsides. Primaris Kevin: As awesome as the Hive Fleet Adaptations are, none of them hold a candle to giving a 5++ and reducing incoming damage by 1. The Tyrannofex does end up losing out on shots from no longer firing twice, but again sees a massive boost on those it does have (as well as BS3+), with the rupture cannon being a monstrous S14 and Dd6+4. Importantly, the first mode has an 18 range as well, so they dont get totally no-sold by Mirror Architect from Harlequins if you do that. This rule allows your horde of critters to fight so long as they are within 2 inches of an enemy model, so with some proper arrangement a large unit of bugs on 25mm bases should be able to get three ranks into combat. Yesterday we took a look at some of thebiggest bugsthat the Tyranids have to offer, and today well be answering that age-old question which keeps Guardsmen awake in their bunks at night would you rather fight one Carnifex-sizedHormagaunt, or 10 Hormagaunt-sizedCarnifexes? Thats a decent payoff and the Action finishes in your turn, which is good. It is 208 pages in length, with 98 datasheets for new and existing units. f aCHARACTERmodel is yourWARLORD, you can use the Hive Fleet Warlord Traits table below to determine whatWarlordTraitthey have. New rules in this latest codex include the powerful Harbingers of Dreaddebuffs, and the option to dedicate your mighty mechs to one of the chaos gods, getting their keyword and a gnarly new ability as thanks for your service. It does mean that after next weeks Balance Dataslate (hopefully) takes the existing leaders down a peg were probably due some spicy Tyranid win rates for a few months (or habanero turbo spicy if Crusher stays), but bringing things in line will be pretty doable. Until now, that is. Youll be throwing enough dice to cover the table in wound rolls. A byproduct of the spores churned out by this chitinous chain-smoker, this venomous fog burns everything it touches, inflicting mortal wounds on enemies just for being in Engagement Range of a Toxicrene and rendering them unable to fight until after all of your units have had their turn. Maleceptor, Psychic Scream, Catalyst 170 To top it off, you also get one wound re-roll each time you shoot or fight, which can support some of the bigger creatures too. Codex (Warhammer 40,000) - Wikipedia New and looking pretty good here is the Dirgeheart of Kharis, which lets you switch off the ObSec of a unit you hit in the fight phase, an extremely strong effect. The codex includes full rules for all the new Sisters of Battle units, as well as updates for its existing range of models and wargear. In addition to updated Tyranid datasheets and Tyranid lore, the codex includes plenty of customisation options in the form of Hive Fleet Adaptations and Synaptic Imperatives. Harpy. Carpets of Gaunts are an iconic part of the Tyranid army, but one of the challenges with them has always been getting enough bodies into a fight for their numbers to be a factor. With its new plastic model, this classic critter is lunging out of the lore and onto the tabletop for the first time ever. Finally, Feed is maybe a bit weaker overall, but still has some draws. Finally, if the enemy warlord is brutally eaten, you get another three bonus VP. Today we get our first look at the new codex and while it's just the cover it features one of the most iconic Tyranid units in the game: The Hive Tyrant! Maleceptorshave also received upgrades, including a pip of extra movement and toughness, more wounds, and improved ballistic and weapon skill.**. the silver-shouldered badasses of the Deathwatch. Theyre reasonably tough to shift (4+ invulnerable and 4W), add additional volume of psychic viciousness (they boost their casts and damage on smites based on the number of models in the unit) and crucially having them around unlocks the Warp Shielding Synaptic Imperative for the big army-wide invulnerable out of the gate if you lose the roll off. Date of the price: . Shard Lure also provides a tidied up and improved version of Hunters Drive when one of your Synapse units hits an enemy unit with a ranged attack, you can spend a CP so that all of your units get 3d6-drop-lowest charges against them, fantastic if youre planning some kind of Jormungandr deep strike party. That has has fairly limited applications but for those players fielding impaler cannon Hive Guard or Biovores its not a bad option to keep in mind and for everyone else, hurling a unit into combat after an Advance is fantastic (and this also isnt CORE locked. Now, most units in the book contend for your attention/points and make list design interesting. Like a lot of other traits, this could come in handy but its not strong enough that youre not going to eye some of the other potential Hunt and Feed traits you can swap for before the start of a match. Its exceedingly yucky, but brilliant stuff. HQ For the many games where you dont need this, you get access to the strong picks of both the Hunt and Lurk lists, which gives you some options for going fast and options for doubling down on defensive picks as the need arises. Primaris Kevin: Synaptic Imperative is also really good from the perspective of game management and mental load. You do get more bang for your points, with both getting a 5+ save, Termagants getting S5 AP-1 fleshborers (though their version of the devourer has been downgraded), and Hormagaunts getting a third attack and AP-1, but in the current metagame theres a lot of stuff that will still just sweep these off. The good news for bug lovers is that the problem isnt that there are a whole bunch of duds as with all recent books, serious effort has clearly gone into making sure that whatever units you have in your collection, putting them on the table should feel powerful. 5x Tyranid Warrior 145pts Everyone is talking about it, so here it is. The Warhammer 40k Eldar codexwent to pre-order on February 26, 2022, and was up for sale the following week, on March 5. There are plenty of ways to increase the potency of this particular biomorph in the upcomingCodex: Tyranids.