As Saturn teaches Venus how to become more grounded, Venus is teaching Saturn to loosen up, speak their mind, and express feelings. Saturn is also threatened by the change and growth that Venus's person brings. Valentine's day is approaching and Mars will enter sensual Taurus, involving Venusian themes to this tie of year. This passionate love will find its way to inspire the couple to build the relationship stronger. Saturn tends to place great responsibility on Venus and often blames Venus for the problems they faced together. Proudly created with At worst, Saturn contacts are just depressing. If these issues are present, then the Venus person will also have work to do and must learn how to be emotionally honest without going from 0 to 100. Negative emotions are threatening to cause havoc in the relationship between Venus and Saturn. The Venus sextile Saturn synastry aspect indicates strong feelings of commitment from the very beginning. Take some time to try something new once in a while. It also represents boundaries and limitations. With the right amount of communication and understanding, this aspect can bring two people together in an extraordinary way. Venus-Saturn Aspects In The Synastry Chart - Tea & Rosemary In a positive scenario, the Venusian brightens the talents of the Saturnian while the latter stabilizes the emotional outbursts of the Venusian. A classic example is a young woman marrying an elderly man for his money: it is clear that deception will not take long to manifest here. There is less of a chance that this relationship will grow to be toxic. Over time, the Venus person can get depressed from being around the Saturn individual. Mars, however, reveals how you express your sex drive and how you go about getting what you want. Ultimately, what the Venus persontruly wants from the Saturn person is emotional intimacy. The Venus person may take this as a sign that their partner no longer loves them when in reality it could just be a natural response to feeling unappreciated. Meanwhile, the Venus person will be the romantic and fun-loving partner. This aspect can also indicate problems with jealousy or possessiveness. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Being with a woman who is strong in his Venus element, or who makes close sextiles to his Venus makes the relationship much easier, and increases sexual desire and compatibility. Ultimately, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry relationship involves a lot of compromise. If these feelings are not addressed, they can lead to resentment and fights. Thus, he/she will find a way to stop the Venus person from being apart from him/her. The Saturn person may become the provider and create some sort of structure in the relationship. You will find yourself unable to resist the pull she's emitting. Although a light karmic connection is possible, these aspects are good for long lasting love and friendships. Both planets are committed to making their relationship lasts. If both planets use these potent energies to their advantage, they can achieve anything and overcome all difficulties that may come their way. Saturn, on the other hand, can make Venus take life seriously. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Venuspartner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense andstructure. This reason is why this relationship is for keeps. With trine, Saturn loses some of its rigidness which helps Sun person to express themselves more openly. Loyalty and commitment are huge in this relationship. For example, if the Saturn person is going through a tough time, the Venus person will be there to support them. The Saturn person tends to feels responsible for the Venus person, but should avoid becoming too parental with him or her. With the Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect, both people feel naturally committed to each other from the start. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects The couple will sense this too. The Venus conjunct Saturn synastry relationship can really change the Venus person over time, especially if the Saturn person is overbearing. This isnt to say that there arent problems, but more-so that both people are willing to work through any issues. They would appear to be attached. Venus quite literally uncovers Saturns insecurities. The Venus person, on the other hand, is dependent on the Saturn person. Synastry:SunMarsAspects Personal issues, such as insecurity and fear of change. The attraction that Venus and Saturn felt when they first met is like coming home from a long journey. However, for the Venus person, it would feel like he/she is trapped and can be resentful towards the Venus person. They need to celebrate the Venus person for being exactly who they are. Meanwhile, the Venus person will stimulate fun and creativity, bringing happiness and spontaneity to the Saturn person that can help them to feel lighter. Saturn may induce Venus to take on responsibilities in life instead of just all fun and games. In this variation of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry we find a harmonious permutation of roles as the man, subconsciously identifying with his anima figure, tries to please the subconscious expectations of the paternal image of his partner. In Synastry, Saturn may represent older or more mature partner in the relationship. This aspect enhances tolerance and dependence in love and marriage and, if other aspects are favorable, it can play a positive role. The Venus square Saturn synastry aspect can actually benefit the Venus person over the long term, even though it can feel painful. In most cases, the individuals meet for the first time completely unexpectedly through acquaintances. Instead of a doctrinaire approach, both partners should focus on self control. They might be more interested in the pursuit of a long-term relationship than some other couples are. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts If the other aspects in the chart support this relationship, then the couple can truly complement each other! Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Maybe others dont condone the relationship, or maybe external circumstances make it hard to stay together. Saturn will bring reality and practicality to the relationship while Venus will bring optimism, lightness, and fun. Saturn may believe that their judgments are fair because they see Venus as superficial or flighty, while Venus feels that Saturn truly is cold. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts But in reality, someone has to remind us to stay grounded. Being ruled by Saturn, these people can remind the Venuses to also think of their responsibilities. Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here >>. Due to patient care and strong love, this aspect can cause a kind of marriage where each partner outgrows thieir childhood patterns to understand the realization and personal development. Their love for each other is genuine and pure. Venus conjunct other person's Saturn: This contact can represent a binding tie, but not without its share of challenges. With Saturn conjunct Venus, love is a gentle breeze that warms Saturns apparent coldness. The Saturn person will show their love in quiet, dependable ways, but this helps the Venus person trust in the Saturn persons loyalty and dedication. This Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect definitely indicates that both parties will naturally learn lessons through this relationship. At the same time, the woman may see herself as accepting the fatherly role in order to help the mans consciousness reach maturity. Like the charming goddess, this planet also reveals the people you may be attracted to. Saturn may be more traditional in the relationship, which Venus probably enjoys. There are a few tips that can help this aspect work better in a relationship: This trine creates a sense of karmic harmony that can be difficult to find in any other type of relationship. Venus zodiac sign ruler is Libra and it is represented by the 7th house of relationships and partnerships. Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts He is also known to be the God of Time. Because of this, the relationship can go on for years. The Saturn person's conservative character will block the desire of the Venus person to express itself freely. 9 Worst Synastry Aspects: Red Flags and When to Run - Astrology Saturn ages whatever it touches. Saturn person must be more open-minded and try to be kinder towards the Venus person. The Saturn person feels insecure about how easy it is for the Venus person to make new connections. Learn more about the Venus square aspect with Saturn in Venus Square Saturn Synastry. It comes down to natural energy flow. They can appear to be selfless, though not all the time. It even goes beyond visual arts, and even performing arts. Saturn must learn a good dose of empathy in this partnership. The couple will appreciate each others stability and reliability, as well as their ability to work hard and stay committed. Both of these people feel attracted to one another naturally due to Venus trine synastry aspect with Saturn. Sometimes in the Venus opposition Saturn synastry relationship, both people can feel like the world wants to keep them apart in some way. Sun person is the element of joy and vitality that softens Saturns seriousness. Venus will also be willing to compromise if Saturn can try to have some fun with them. Saturn Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars, Another excellent aspect for long term relationships is. The Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect definitely creates an opposites attract sort of relationship, but it usually works. This aspect is the time where you will think that everything flows on its natural course. There is a tendency that their sense of freedom will be restricted and repressed. There is an ease about their connection that they dont have to work hard for. Saturn feels that he/she is responsible for the Venus person and would do anything to protect him/her. Just like our natal Saturn represents where we need to put our sustained effort in order to reach the next level of personal growth, in synastry aspects it symbolizes how we build our foundations, values, commitments and responsibilities in a relationship. The biggest issue in the Venus square Saturn synastry relationship is that both Saturn and Venus tend to judge without trying to understand. She would probably prefer to play a female role in this relationship if only the man could lead. The Saturn person can see the natural light that is in Venus, yet they cant seem to loosen up. Saturn rules the 10th house of achievement, leaders, and standing in society. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects By itself, Saturn sextile Venus synastry does not guarantee the romantic infatuation of the parties with each other, however, if other factors in comparison favor this, it can become a guarantor of the stability of the relationship. Their connection forms potent energies that further strengthen their bond with each other. The Venus person may even enjoy this side of the Saturn individual because they know that they canalways trust Saturn, no matter what. This can be a bit threatening. The Saturn person tends to be manipulative and abusive towards the Venus person. When we get together with someone our energy designs (our charts) interact. That, of course, is what makes positive Venus synastry so great. This is an interesting relationship because theyre usually attracted to these opposite qualities in each other, yet they also feel unhinged when the other person acts so differently from them. And, although this combination does not in itself form a strong physical attraction, it ensures stability and strength if romance forms under the influence of other synastric factors. Venus-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry Chart: The strong physical attraction between Venus and the Ascendant person. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The trine aspect between Venus and Saturn in synastry is an aspect beneficial for long-term commitments and marriages. These differences can be celebrated and this couple can create a relationship that is diverse and growth-oriented. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects Both people respect each other and easily slip into their roles in the relationship. Synastry Astrology: Saturn to Saturn - Deal Makers and Deal Breakers Read More About Me! Their Venus trining your MC indicates that their love, creativity or values are in harmony with your external goals. This goddess also protects art and pleasing things. It is the planet of affection, romance, love. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects If this relationship doesnt get out of hand, then both people can actually enhance the lives of the other, but its essential that they do this throughnon-judgment. Saturn shows how we face our responsibilities. The Venus person adores the loyalty and mature way of handling problems by the Saturn person. It shapes the relationship between two persons. Saturn trine and sextile Moon aspects represent a harmonious and lasting emotional exchange. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Understand that the Saturn person may need more time than usual to open up emotionally. The Saturn person may feel that they need to control their partner in order to feel secure, while the Venus person may feel smothered and trapped. You have a serious desire to provide a secure foundation of loyalty, responsibility and commitment to your relationship and expect your partner to do the same. Structure and security in your relationship will be important. They can lighten up the mood of the serious Saturn. Since Saturn reminds us of our limitations, we can also say that it will happen to the planet it transits. Saturn feels fiercely protective and responsible over Moon, which may turn into jealousy at times. One of the first planets to observe karmic contracts and soulmate relationships is Saturn. In many aspects this relationship may feel too burdening to continue. It even represents our fashion styles. Saturn Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars They do not voluntarily seek to form a relationship; rather, the circumstances may force them to do so. If this couple were in a fight, they would always find ways to resolve it, without the need to resort to nasty arguments. And for Venus, it shows our attitude and perception towards love and relationship It represents who we become when we get into relationships. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. They understand each others needs very well, even when those needs arent always met. With the Venus square Saturn synastry aspect, Venus may feel that Saturn is cold or harsh. Saturn Trine Venus Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology These people are kind-hearted and generous. It's okay to be protective but when it turns to become extreme, it could also be toxic for the relationship.